The answer is simple: insofar as a religious organisation satisfies the above 2 conditions, they must register and comply with the VAT Act, 2013, Act 870 (as amended) and its Related Regulations. The Company is working in Secretarial Services, Associations business activities. The income of an individual may arise from sources including, i. This comes in the light of the lavish lifestyles of some of the leaders of religious organisations. Should you have any comments, you may send it by email, To the extent income is applied to such charitable or religious purposes in India. Derived from property held under trust for a charitable purpose, which tends to promote international welfare in which India is interested, To the extent income is applied to such charitable or religious purposes outside India.Exemption is available only if the Board has directed such exemption, Income in the form of voluntary contributions made with a specific direction that they shall form part of the corpus of the trust or institution. | Powered by, Taxation aspects of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Free Online (Live only) 3-Day Bootcamp On, Weekly Competition Week 1 December 2019, Weekly Competition Week 2 December 2019, Weekly Competition Week 3 December 2019, Weekly Competition Week 4 December 2019, Weekly Competition Week 1 November 2019, Weekly Competition Week 2 November 2019, Weekly Competition Week 3 November 2019, Weekly Competition Week 4 November 2019, Weekly Competition Week 2 October 2019, Weekly Competition Week 3 October 2019, Weekly Competition Week 4 October 2019, Weekly Competition Week 3 September 2019, Weekly Competition Week 4 September 2019, Related party transactions under Companies Act, 2013, How to deal with malicious complaints of Sexual Harassment, Derived from property held under trust wholly for charitable or religious purposes. It is, therefore, important for the Ghana Revenue Authority to develop training programme to educate all charitable organisations including religious organisations to ensure full compliance with the tax laws. Do NGOs pay taxes in Uganda? Brochure or publication about your organization. In particular, the religious organisations and their associated stakeholders who are required to pay the applicable taxes and/or comply with the law are unaware of the responsibilities they have as operating persons in Ghana. By occupational classification, the highest compliance rate could be found among those who worked in administrative and managerial positions, professional and technical skills jobs, and those in clerical jobs. Careers After all taxes are compulsory payments and the individual measure of gains cannot be a sensible rule to go by in deciding whether or not to comply with the law. And it is widely believed that those who must enforce compliance are not without blame. vii. Following from the foregoing, it is my humble opinion that the business income of a religious organisation is not subject to tax insofar as the income does not confer private benefit to individuals. It applies to Mallams, Imams, Traditional Priest (e.g. Some NGOs in Ghana generally work through volunteers and they are funded through free-will donations from people. In Ghana, tax is deducted from an employee's personal income at source through a 'pay-as-you-earn' scheme. In Chapel Hill School Limited v the Attorney-General and the Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service, [2009, Unreported] Dr. Date-Bah JSC (as he then was), said Our comment on this argument by the Second Respondent (Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service) would be that the mere fact that what the Appellant does constitutes a business does not inevitably lead to the conclusion that the activity cannot be exempt from tax. An honorarium, alongside other related expenses, is reported as taxable income using Form 1040 of IRS Schedule C. Related expenses may, for example, range from an air ticket to the . Firstly, whilst it is true that in certain cases NGOs will have relief from income tax on the NGO entity itself, and from certain indirect taxes, any such relief is normally subject to conditions. The Wikimedia Foundation is ranked as the best NGO worldwide. Accordingly, it is not surprising that it does create a fuss! That is to say, where business is carried out incidental to its purpose as a religious organisation Limited by Guarantee, or Trust (with no ultimate private benefit to individuals), the profit is exempt from tax, simpliciter. Who procured it and for what? The TCCs serve as tax credits towards annual tax payable. Unlike the Operation Tax Harvest in the early days of the tax reforms, the 2006 exercise followed the tax amnesty granted in 2005 with the hope to increase compliance in the payment of taxes. However, NGOs like any other organization are subject to the tax regime of Uganda. The School is not into the business of rental of commercial premises. The girls are placed in top corporations where they get work experience in their related areas during the summer breaks. Where is the Russian oil stashed in Ghana? Condition of Use The Bible says in Luke 11:28, , blessed are those hearing the word of God and keeping it. Machinery, apparatus, appliances and parts thereof, designed for use in. Some NGOs in Ghana generally work through volunteers and they are funded through free-will donations from people. The resources and income generated by the entity should not be assigned to, or distributed among the owner(s) or their associates. Salary, allowances, facilities, pension and gratuity of the President; Income directly connected to the Government or local authorities activities; Income of a non-commercial public corporation; Gain from life insurance when the proceeds are paid by a resident insurer; The income of a non-resident person from a business that operates ships or aircraft, if the Commissioner-General is satisfied that an equivalent exemption is granted by that persons country of residence to persons resident in Ghana; A dividend paid to a resident company by another resident company when the company receiving the dividend controls at least 25% of the voting power in the company paying the dividend. In practice, these may include. The person must make taxable supplies; and. From the foregoing, the total amount payable to the Ghana Revenue Authority is US$610. These exemptions are to be outlined during filing. This has come to strengthen my position.Thanks, Jonathan Casely Wiredu (FMVA,MSc,BCom,HND). The exercise turned out surprising results. The accounts of religious organisations must, among others, capture all receipts and payments for each year, and a statement of financial position of the company or trust, as the case may be. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. However, the value of the transaction is less GHS2,000 (approx.. US$420). In respect to income tax, NGOs are charitable organizations and are exempt from payment of income tax. Though educational institution is excluded from tax-exempt organisation under Act 896, religious institution remains. How much does it cost to register an NGO in Ghana? This exemption does not apply to certain special industries; Interest or dividend on an investment paid or credited to a holder or member of an approved unit trust scheme or mutual fund; Interest and gains realised by a non-resident person on bonds issued by the government of Ghana; Gains from the realisation of GSE- listed securities; Income of an approved unit trust or mutual fund; and. PricewaterhouseCoopers 2008 Tax Facts and Figures 1 Income liable to tax Income tax is levied in each year of assessment on the total income of both resident and non-resident persons in Ghana. Some local NGOs do pay as normal SMEs do, with some graduate level positions calling for as low as 25K when international NGOs will pay more than 50K for the same position. Accordingly whoever is found guilty under the Act, shall be punishable with an imprisonment for a term that shall not be less than three years but may extend to seven years and fine which may extend upto five lakh rupees. Tennis legend Roger Federer is the number five highest-earning athlete in 2015. The survey sought to find out from the respondents about their profession, where they work, for whom they work, and whether taxes were deducted from their pay in the course of the survey period. The irony is that, for most donor countries, direct taxes (personal and corporate income taxes) remain the workhorse of the tax system and help to finance aid. My understanding of Jesus statement Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" is that it unambiguously commands people to respect state authority and to pay the taxes it demands of them. The more senior the job within the NGO, the higher the wages will be. These organizations do not exist for profit motive, hence called as . You must send a letter to the Comptroller of Customs that indicates the type of activity that your organisation is engaged in, that the efforts of the organisation are non-profit, and how the duty relief would benefit the wider public. The views expressed do not necessarily represent those of PwC. In addition to all these, what has been made taxable are the kind of anonymous donations made by any organization or institutions or individual to a charitable organization at a rate of 30%. g.Investigation of non-compliance with charity rules; h.Establishment of charity courts; and, i. Green Earth Organisation is situated in Accra, Ghana. No. Initially it was exactly the scenario but with increase in unscrupulous practices these NGOs were made liable to pay tax and also allowed exemption. The intention of the tax law is to tax the business income of a charitable organisation. Of government employees, withholding taxes covered about 68% of those who worked in the utilities sector, 78% of those in community and social services, and 95% of those who worked in professionals, administrative, and clerical staff positions. Fifth, while there is a constant push to raise taxes from the informal sector, policy-makers must weigh the cost of the enforcement and the equity-efficiency concerns in order to determine how and where best to allocate the tax collection effort. Company registration documents including certificate of incorporation and commencement, form 3&4 and regulations (for companies in the old system) or Certificate of incorporation, form 3 and Constitution (for companies in the new system). In other words, so long as a charitable organisation uses at least 75% of its income in their charity activities then there will be no taxable income. The Golden Opportunity Organization Ltd. is situated in Accra, Ghana. The highest rate is presently 35%. (All goods and services exempt from VAT are also exempt from the NHIL and GETFund). Most NGOs are not within the tax net of the central government (if at all they pay tax it may on some commodities) and in fact governments all over the world offer assistance in whichever way they can. Do your tax with TaxTim and WIN R10,000 T&C's apply. This was in other to include more sports and youth development activities. Section 10(1) of Act 179 provides that a Company Limited by Guarantee shall not be incorporated with the object of carrying on business for the purpose of making profits. It specifically exempted religious bodies Catholic, Anglican, and Presbyterian Churches from paying duties on imported items. Are religious organisations required to pay taxes and/or comply with the tax laws of Ghana? Failure by an entity to file an income tax return will automatically result in a late filing penalty (calculated at a monthly rate of TZS 225,000 ). Again, your answer is as good as mine. Sympathy International is owned and managed by a Ghanaian-owned Non- Governmental Organization (N.G.O). (NGO Act Section 46 (1)). In order to be eligible for SSBI status an organization has to meet all conditions as set by the Dutch tax authorities. And, any corresponding expenditure must relate to the purpose for which it was set up and approved by the CG. In Matthew 22:21, Jesus was asked by the Pharisees whether it is lawful to pay taxes to the emperor, or not. No. We have a series of layers of audits, the donors come for verification, the donors look for an external auditor, and you also have to look for an external auditor, he mentioned. By industry, the percentage of employees who had taxes deducted from their pay at source ranged from 92% of those in the mining sector to 25%t of those in the construction industry. Other donations to the church amounted to US$800,000. In the case of Mould v. De Vine, Jiagge S. (as she then was) wrote, There was no alternative remedy available to the applicant. And in the advanced economies they are called Charities. The NGOs which cannot generate their own income are completely depends on funders to pay their employer cost. A religious organisation that seeks the approval of the CG for tax exemption must have a written constitution with express provisions that prohibit it from: i.engaging in a political party activity, supporting a political party or using its platform to engage in party politics; ii. From the aforesaid provisions in Act 896, the lawmaker has empowered the CG to grant and revoke the tax exemption for religious institutions to promote tax compliance in Ghana. Who or that has been issued with a written ruling by the CG currently in force stating that it is an exempt organisation; and, c.None of whose income or assets confer, or may confer, a private benefit, other than in pursuit of the organisations functions. Taxation is, by and large, the most important source of government revenue in nearly all countries. The highest income tax rate payable by an individual resident in Ghana is 25%. Such pernicious inequities in the tax burden have in the past contributed to smuggling in no small measure of exports. poor girls are given the chance to attend University. Any other excisable product prescribed by the Finance Minister. Therefore, once the threshold for registration is met or expected to be met, it becomes mandatory for the registration to be done within 30 days. However, contemporary rates are depending on the nature of business carried out by an entity, the location of the business and the specific industry in which it operates. In an interview, Ms Chisanga said Zambia is losing huge. Can an NGO be converted into a Company Limited by Shares? Well, simply put it is because the assumption of an automatic tax free environment for NGOs is mistaken. . c.The rental of premises for commercial purpose is considered as rent. This combination undermines the growth of domestic revenues. Hse. The normal response will be Of course!. The sections 11, 12, 12A, 12AA and 13 constitute a complete code governing the grant or withdrawal of registration and its cancellation, providing . The net amount due to the supplier is US$970. Do non-profit/ non-governmental organisations (NGOs) deserve a special tax regime? Similarly, Act 179, requires all Companies and Trusts to file their annual accounts (returns) with the Registrar of Companies. any function other than operating as a religious institution; and, iii. African Centre for Peace Building, AFCOPB. The pastor also travelled to the United Kingdom to preach in one of the branches of the church and received a gift equivalent to a value of US$50,000. The 1947 Ordinance outlined the first provision of exemption from tax by charitable organisations including religious organisations. Value of Taxable Supplies = Ghc 12,000, NHIL = Ghc 12,000 * 2.5% = Ghc 300, COVID-19 LEVY = Ghc 12,000 * 1% = Ghc 120, Subtotal Ghc 12,720.00, VAT = Ghc 12,720 * 15% = Ghc 1,908.00, Total Amount to be paid to GRA = NHIL + GETFL + VAT, which type of tax rate is appropriate for manufacturing, retailing and wholeselling companies in ghana, keep updating us on current tax issues pending in the country. Petrol, diesel, liquefied petroleum gas, kerosene and residual fuel oil. Furthermore, it will go a long way to help promote a charity sector geared towards their traditional role of helping the poor and needy whilst building the spiritual life of the people. The employer is required to withhold the employees taxes and pay to the Ghana Revenue Authority. The GST law specifically defines the term . In 1961 (fourteen years later), the Income Tax Ordinance introduced the concept of exemption from payment of income taxes by ecclesiastical or charitable organisations, Christian Council of Churches, the Muslim Council, et al. First and foremost, despite the provisions of the tax law, the question that needs answering is: whether or not it is legal for a religious organisation to engage in business for the purpose of making profit for which the tax law envisages taxing same? Tax In Namibia. There are two conditions that must be satisfied for a person to register for VAT. The country director shared that working in an NGO comes with a lot of accountability and audits. Its primary objective is to fight poverty in Ghana in rural communities especially. According to the most recent estimates from the International Centre for Tax and Development, total tax revenues account for more than 80% of total government revenue in about half of the countries in the world - and more than 50% in almost every country. ii. The operational NGOs, which primary concern is to develop projects and the advocacy NGOs whose major goal is to promote a cause. The Revenue Administration Act, 2016, Act 915, gives the CG several powers to enable him enforce the law. they are socially, politically, economically educationally and even morally helpful to the country. Address description of the subscriber. Yes, But the salaries which NGOs pay are much lower than the corporate work. All data are based on 700 salary surveys. After 14 years following the passage of the Income Tax Ordinance, then came the Income Tax Decree, 1975, S.M.C.D 5. However, even if these agreements make a commitment to provide beneficial tax treatment, including exemptions, such commitments can only be enforced if they have effect under the relevant tax law (i.e. The intention of the law to tax the business income of charitable organisation gives rise to two key issues that needs addressing. Please feel free to contact us for your Customs classifications and validation, Copyright Notice The programme should be segmented and tailored to meet the needs of each identifiable group for its effectiveness. Therefore, the applicable withholding tax rate is 3%. For PwC updates on tax and other matters do follow @pwc_tz or visit our website A summary of the goods and services which are exempt from VAT/NHIL and GETFund include: This classification includes all live animals such as cattle, sheep, goats, swine and poultry, but excludes horses, asses, mules, hinnies and similar exotic animals. While the closure of businesses may appear draconian, not to mention the employment effects, some lessons should come out of it. Such income includes employment income, business income and property income. Personal income tax rates. Ghana has so many NGOs operating in different dimensions and areas of the country. 2. obought a land cruiser, a Mercedes Benz, and a House for a combined sum of US$500,000, obought shares in a foreign company at a cost of US$100,000. The organization is a Non-Profit Organization whose aim is to help girls fulfill their purpose by educating them. Section 97(4) of Act 896 provides that income accruing to or derived by a charitable organisation is exempt from tax. Section 97(5) provides that Section 97(4) does not apply to business income of the charitable organisation [Emphasis mine]. PAYE is computed with the personal income tax rates. Non-residents are liable to Ghanaian income tax on any income derived in Ghana from any trade, business, profession, or vocation, or which is derived from an employment exercised in Ghana. Many have argued that NGOs are not to pay any form of taxes at all since they are engaged in humanitarian services which earns no taxable income. Widening and deepening compliance with payroll deductions (for both taxes and pension contributions) is easiest and cost-effective to administer. In the said case, the court held that the person whose liability to tax was being assessed was thus Oxford University, which the court held to be indubitably an educational institution of a public character. The questions begging for answers are as follows: Was the income disclosed to the Ghana Revenue Authority? Generally, NGO salaries are lower than in the private sector. Obviously, the employment income of the pastor of US$100,000 and gift of US$50,000 couldnt have been enough to enable him make the kind of expenditure he made during the year. The NGOs who generate their own income it will be pay good salary to their employers. In the third year in the university, the girls are encouraged to partake in the study abroad schemes in other to help them appreciate other peoples culture and gain exposure. However, before you are exempted from paying certain taxes, the individual must go to GRA with a justification or demonstration that the resources being used are directly impacting the rural communities and contributing towards government efforts.. Perhaps the area that can cause the most confusion is in relation to agreements entered into with Government entities, which frequently will include some commitments from the Government in relation to fiscal matters. It is the employers responsibility to file monthly tax returns on behalf of its employees. This article is written by Amrita Basu, a student of New Law College, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed) University, Pune. Status as Religious Organisation for income tax purposes. The net amount due to the supplier is US$4,750. From the historical analysis above, there are key underlying themes running through all the various tax dispensations. Lastly, the income thereof should not be for private benefit of individuals. The NGO also functions in some areas of West Africa as follows: Benin, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone. The church is required to withhold tax of US$30 on payments to the supplier and pay same to the Ghana Revenue Authority. Second, the tax collection drive has revealed that tax delinquent businesses include church run businesses, stevedoring companies, foreign exchange bureaus, restaurants, hotels, and shipping yard companies, all of which are service providers in one form or the other, and, most likely, owned by people with distinguished lifestyles. Categorizados em: Sem categoria Este artigo foi escrito por any function other than those that the entity is established to operate; and, iii. i.tithes and offering amounted to US$600,000. To achieve the intended purposes, NGOs require funding and normally this is in the form of contributions and grants that have been derived from other profit-making activities, that would have been taxed already. Specifically; The Excise Tax Stamp is a specially designed stamp with digital and other security features which is affixed on excisable goods to show that taxes and duties have been paid or would be paid. Jesus responded Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's. Companies limited by guarantee including NGOs are exempted from paying corporate taxes. Value Added Tax (VAT), National Health Insurance Levy (NHIL), and Ghana Education Trust Fund Levy (GETFund). From time to time, the GRA may initiate a company audit. This classification should, however, be distinguished from zero-rated supplies. Disclaimer of Warranty, About Us Notwithstanding the fact that a religious organisation is not required to pay income taxes on receipts incidental to their objects, the law requires them to file their corporate income tax returns with the Ghana Revenue Authority within four month after each financial year of the organisation. Approx.. US $ 420 ), email, kwasi.nyantakyi.owiredu @ lavish. The Pharisees whether it is lawful to pay tax and also allowed exemption in! The passage of the law to tax the business income and property income supplier and pay the... Profit motive, hence called as unto Caesar the things that are God 's five highest-earning athlete 2015... $ 30 do ngos pay tax in ghana payments to the church is required to withhold the taxes! Unto Caesar the things that are God 's non-compliance with charity rules h.Establishment. 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