crystalens class action lawsuit

I am beginning to agree with everyone else!. I too need help and advise regarding to this matter. I have an excess of floaters that also block my vision now. I've been beating myself up cause it was completely elective. One close, one distance. I am a 45 year old male and got Crystalens in both eyes in May (separated 2 weeks apart). I had the procedure done two years ago and have been miserable ever since. The Dr's response: He gave eye drops. I will not go back to Dr. * in Charlotte! In June 2019 HAD to give up my job as school administrator, 6 years earlier than planned. My wife had Crystalens implanted in both eyes in August, 2012. Sheila. Paid an additional $3000. My vision is horrible--blurry, unable to see well at any distanceTerribly frustrated. I saw another doctor last week and he mentioned astigmatism in one eye and an overcorrected lens in the other eye and recommended that I wear glasses full time, something I have never had to do. I'm in the same boat. Distance was a problem. Very very very disappointed. Apparently no one cares but us. The touch up as I later learned from another doctor only helps with distance. There is distortion on the edges at all angles. PMAs with Product Code = NAA and Original Applicant = Bausch & Lomb, Inc. It was still hurting and could not see. AT LEAST YOU WILL HAVE SOME DECENT VISION. WebWe have to starts a class action lawsuit or something, any lawyers out there!! I couldn't with those reading glasses. I regret it to this day! To do something about the Crystalens problem call MedWatch at the FDA. I have an appointment this week to see what, if anything, can be done to resolve the situation. I am so miserable to be suddenly almost blind. The eye surgeon denies everything, of course. What a blatant lie. If I don't look at a computer or phone. I am not denieing your pain; I am saying the pain of a few people may be a contribution for the good of our children. My wife and myself had both eyes done by the same Dr.. She had the regular lens, covered by the insurance, and the results were very good. I had the surgery a month ago and the glare to the side has yet to go away. I'm considering getting this procedure done--even though my problem is only with near vision. I am 36 years old, and discovered I had a cataract in my left eye that needed attention, which was bad enough for my insurance to pay their part to correct it. Finally the eye surgeon agreed to exchange the right eye after I agreed not to sue him. !..Now they messed up my distance visionleft eye same discomfort every frigging day, vision near, intermediate, and distance fluctuates in and out of focusit's amazing that he actually wrotr in medical report perfect 20/20 vision..Biggest lie!! So far, the plaintiffs who filed the lawsuit have lost one court battle and one motion. . Everyone said it was not the lenses because they had never seen lenses cause this type of problem. Your suit will go nowhere because you now do not have the right to bring action in a court, because you will not make it past the expert doctor's statement you need to proceed in court. Work thank god, they have such strong florescent lighting I by barely.. When the doctor came into the exam room he asked "Why are you here?" I think Bausch and Lomb should reimburse me for this disaster! This company cannot continue to sell defective products and ignore the law. I went to two doctors and both said I would not be able to correct it with LASIK. I did not even know there were more letters on the right. SOLD--Why would I choose to wear glasses for the rest of my life? What the hell does that mean anyway? The one doctor suggested crystalens. She has been losing a great deal of weight, complains that everything she eats burns, her eyes are always pinkish, is weak, feels light-headed and is afraid to drive for fear of fainting. Each visit I was told I am not producing any tears, I never had a problem with tears or pollen until this procedure! Accommodation is a JOKE. I complained to Bausch & Lomb over a year ago, all they say is nothing wrong with the crystalens, I think there is strength in numbers, everyone who has had a problem with the crystalens should form a group and then we can get together and bring a suit against the maker and the Doctors make you believe this is the best thing out there. So, I'm all fixed with glasses that counteract the effect of the crystalens. Paid extra $4, 000 for crystalens above and beyond what insurance paid for standard cataract lenses so that i could see far, intermediate and near. So I figured I would try something new that would give me good close up vision. islamic storeonline ;. The goal for the whole operation was to fly IFR in my plane without flipping glasses up and down trying to read the instruments on the dashboard of the plane not even close! And it has turned out great, everything is clear and bright, I have 20/25 vision at distance, 20/12.5 at midrange and only need readers for very fine print. Charlotte NC October 2012. If I knew then what I know now. for the crystal lens because I was promised it would accommodate both near and far vision. Any lawyers out there? A lady called me named Melissa Jurado and she acted like she worked for Bausch and Lomb. Class actions in U.S. district courts are regulated by federal laws like the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 (CAFA), which allows any class action My vision is now 20/200 in rt eye. My experience with Crystalens is as bad as any of the above complaints. I thought things were going to be great. Since then I have had the pain re-occur many times and realized that it happened after I read and used my computer for many hours. After visiting EIGHT eye doctors, including the best that Emory University has to offer four in Charlotte and the original surgeon, no one could explain [or would state] what was happening. After he put wrong lens in he did PRK and screwed that up. I will never be able to do the same kind of work I once did, and I am just grateful to be employed in a low paying entry lever cashier job at this time, and I am continuously concerned about being let go for my lack of vision at work. So glad I finally found a sounding board for this problem. A 45-year-old female patient was diagnosed with cataracts OU and underwent an uncomplicated cataract surgery OD with placement of a Crystalens. My eyes were very dry after my LASIK surgery. To add to frustration I compare my vision to my sibling vision and they can read text even smaller then I can and see just as far, and they only have the soft lenses. In essence he prescribed me glasses that would equalize the vision in both eyes so I could drive at night. In October 2018, a consumer class I went there a few times and all he did was tell me to keep my eye dilated and use the numb drops. Nothing I can do about it now. Also, I want these replaced ASAP so I would love to know if anyone has done this and who they were able to get to preform the surgery.. My 81 y.o. Hi Sue, I live in California and have Health Net Insurance, which is Medicare Advantage Program. However I was able to read a novel three days after the surgery. I mean $11, 000. My near sight is very good. What a waste! Like everyone else, the hype of not having to wear glasses for anything is what sold me. jefields. When you call you will select 3 twice. When I arrived, I was SHOCKED at how frail she looked as it had only been a year since I had seen her. I would love to boast and encourage others to have ReSTOR procedure done but after my experience I would not wish this on anyone! I was instructed that if l try to have the problems corrected l risk blindness. I'm 54 and never wore glasses until I bought a pair of reading glasses at 48. Her vision degraded to 20/200. This sounds like class action! WebA California class action lawsuit is a legal action in which one or more plaintiffs sue as representatives of a group of people with similar claims. Doc says the lens is stuck in a forward position. Now both eyes are flickering and I feel like I am wearing swim goggles all day. DON'T BUY THEIR PRODUCTS / NOT ANY OF THEM // NOT EVEN DROPS! may be worth checking it out. My experience was exactly the opposite. I have had 3 years of frustration. At the same time, my distance vision became worse. I have also lost my near vision, I went from being able to read my computer on the 1st week of surgery to having to wear cheaters at 1.0 and now 2.0. What the heck was that plan when they were supposed to "accommodate"?? Dr. Davidsons number is 720.848.2020. CRYSTALENS /// JUST SAY NO ! Letters were supposed to be sent to patients that the lot may or were defective. Not sure what this will resolve. Its my vision that's being played with! Anteriorly flexed Crystalens. After two years it is totally unbearable to look at a computer screen for longer than three minutes. This was a huge change since I went from having no distance vision and almost perfect close up vision prior to the surgery. Could hardly see at night to drive and no amount of correction could make up for the cloudiness in my lens. Some days worse than others and am not able to function normally. I never have had the halos, thank goodness. A month later he implanted the Crystalens and three days later I could read a book but my mid and distance vision were much worse than before (and still are). It was my mistake that I trusted him. The doctor stated that the lenses "popped right out" and were not adhered to her eye at all, which he found strange since they had been in for over a year. Within a week I experienced a horrible stabbing pain in my eye. I live in California Dr. said that a membrane sometime grows in back of the eye. Had Crystalens implanted about 10 years ago. I had one eye done in December 2012 and one done in January 2013. They were rimless, I had another pair previously and had never had a problem with their fitting, but they couldn't put their lenses in my old frames. In other words, his work was done. Has anyone else had this? If somebody knows of one, please post a link to it! And if this all fails then he will change both to far 6 weeks later. These lens were suppose to give u vision for close and far range. I NEVER recommend Crystalens to anyone and no Dr. should recommend them either. I had my left eye done in 2018 and it ruined my vision, told eye dr. Had both eyes done in 2014. The Anschutz eye clinic certainly never puts a crystalens in because it is well known that the lenses cause huge problems and that bausch + lomb denies any accountability. I am 43 and I am afraid of my future. I am 61 and in good health. Like all the others I was told I was a good candidate for them even though I was born with deficient vison and started wearing glasses at age 6. Share Philips CPAP Recall Lawsuit I hope they stop selling this crystalens they are not good. So, what is the failure ratio of surgery using Cristalens implants ? When I answered "distance" he sneered at me. The last time I saw the doctor, he stated that, "I guess you are one of the fifteen percent for whom the Crystalens doesn't work." I would love to be part of class action suit against the manufacturer. My doctor asked if I needed glasses post-surgery, would I rather wear glasses to see distances or for close work. And I am sorry I spent the $6000 extra. Boy was I wrong! I've already seen a retinologist twice, as well. Have you priced 'Restasis'? I cannot see near and distance vision is blurry. JUST KEEP IT SIMPLE AND GET A BASIC LENS! I hate them i'm thinking of having them removed. After much stress in the decision process, I'm going to ask my surgeon to go ahead and exchange the Crystalens in my left (dominant) Ive only had these for seven years and was never told that they could NOT be removed. The visions in-between the far and mid, mid and close do not do well! Really what are drops for? Post-op follow up was turned over to an optometrist. I'm upset that it seems to not be able to be corrected. He has no bed side manner and acts as though he is insulted when I tell him my problems, he doesn't display any compassion *** he acts like it is something I'm just going to have to live with he already has my money! The only plus is that colors are brighter. From the beginning my eyesight has been bad, plus after 9 years I still see starbursts and experience a kaleidoscope effect. Crystalens! Wish I knew someone that could help me! The visions in-between the far and mid, mid and close do not do well! It was $4,475 and I had nothing but eye pain and could not see well after the lens was put in. I have VERY BLURRY distance Vision in my left eye--now--WORSE than before surgery--in fact-- my sight was 20-25 in my left and is now 20-70--AFTER the Miracle CRYSTALS--hard to believe. No egoo maniac doctor will adnit any wrong doingso that ship has sailed!! I went in and had yag done on both eyes another $2000.00. Another example to help you understand what I am dealing with (2) as if there is a Vaseline film over both eyes and it never clears up (3) during pollen it is miserable, feels like dust has been blown in my eye and last for weeks! WELL--I wish I NEVER put this lens in my eye--I CANCELLED the second eye surgery. I have been dealing with the exact same issues - I had them implanted six years ago, and am pretty much blind in my left eye now - have Z syndrome - wrote the FDA, Bausch and Lomb for YEARS - then the FDA stated "statute of limitations" had run out - only interested in protecting the drug company, not the consumers. Went with Crystalens AT-50AO with advise of Dr., as this would be best for my eyes, with the conditions he diagnosed, glaucoma, blephrospasm and chronic dry eye. I had cataract surgery March 04, 2015, and had a Bausch and Lomb Crystalens implant put in my left eye. I have now had several laser surgeries on it, thought he could fix my eye did make it to where I can see, but now I have to wear glasses full time because my Crystalens from Bausch and Lomb does not stay in place on its hinges, and still changes my site often . I am a competitive Table Tennis player and have lost my ability to see depth (so no accommodation here). With so many patients screwed by Crystalens, why hasn't a class-action lawsuit been filed yet? Initially. I too had crystalens sales pitch, they won!! oc trained by revan fanfiction; postgresql check if record exists; I'm 5 years out from my cataract-lens implant surgery, and still struggle every day to see well. TO ALL OUT THERE! I followed the directions and nothing changed! 2:19-cv-10658-DSF-SK, in the U.S. District Court for the Right off, due to Astigmatism and bad eye muscle tone in the past, I should have never been given an accommodating type IOL (Crystalens). If I receive 20 + email addresses I will contact Webclass action law suit noun derivative action, directors and officers liability, group lawsuit, group litigation, law suit by large numbers of litigants with a common grievance, suit by My vision with cataracts was steadily getting worse with everything appearing gray or brown. So far, they are ignoring us. I panics me to think I will have this for life. I used to do the ****** procedure has introduced this procedure to many Dr's. I've lived with it for 5 years, as I'm horrified worrying about losing even more vision . I wish I had never gotten these lenses. The ophthalmologist said they dont even sell these lens in their practice because of the terrible results. I am a private pilot. Wish I knew someone that could help me! Well I am now learning this only works for a short period of time. Crystalens 5.0. I am so sad I believed in my doctor - I have had him for RK in 1995 and touchup Lasik in 2005 and trusted him. I had my cataract surgery 3 years ago and had the crystal end HD implanted. By Consider The Consumer on 10/18/2018. Is he kidding, I'm a friggin accountant, so what do I do? Since February 2016 when I had crystalline lenses implanted I have no end of problems. Doc said I had some debris or scar tissue floating about, so wanted to do laser. Just more expensive and appears to be taking advantage of people. My advice is to choose some other than a Crystalens for the simple reason that if the doctor measures wrong or something else goes wrong, they are risky to explant. Left eye first, right second. When I told him I couldn't see closeup, he said the doctor could touch it up. I filled the prescription for about $130. Anyone who knows what to do please guide us. How do we launch a class action lawsuit? I have spend $8000 out of pocket and my insurance paid more than me and still I have problems and afraid to go back to the Dr. Office and still have to buy those expensive eye drops. Well, I found out that he didn't, because she became worried from too many folks having problems with their Crystalens. I wear a patch quite often over my right eye, especially when trying to read, because it is so distorted. The eye traces were covered under my insurance, however I PAID $3300.00 per eye for my Symfony lenses. Now I wish I had left it alone and suffered through glasses and a weakened eye. That would not have been possible if I had dry eyes. Note: If you need help accessing information in different file formats, see This is our justice system allowing the buddy system doctors to now be "judges" and "judges" of their own industry.. I read all the complaints and fortunately Dr. Davidson at Anschutz advised me that it had to be taken out. I have plugs in all 4 ducts! I did the surgery because I was told I had narrow angle closure glaucoma and needed to do something and this was my best permanent option. 2015 I would do anything to have my God given lenses back. Looking through each eye alone images appear to be duel and overlapping. It's a milllion dollar business!!! I went to an eye surgeon to discuss the different types of lenses, and listened to their recommendations for my position, being younger than most with cataracts. He believes her body rejected or was allergic to the material in the Crystalens. I walk out of my house and my truck looks like it has flat tires. 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