darlie routier dna results 2021

This author has always found it interesting that now she's been convicted and placed on death row, her interviews always consist of how she didn't kill her kids and how much she misses them. Fortunately, Toby Shook had other people in the conference room where she was being interviewed and everyone in the room said Shook did not do that. But, that's not for us to decide. You never even read the article most likely. darlie routier dna results 2021. Thank you SClemmons for this greatly written article! I read so much online about how she's innocent. Darin identified himself and told the officer that his kids and been stabbed and were dying. It could have been a combination of postpartum depression, the financial strains, or maybe the increasing bickering with Darin. Darlie's well known story changing habits began right here at this point and would continue to present day. They say he lied in court about parts of a conversation between himself and Darlie based on not hearing those words on the 911 call. Even if Darin told her Drake was fine before she dialed 911, what mother wouldn't rush upstairs to see for herself that her baby was ok? Did they have friends or family that were Satanists. Mize was a friend of one of Darin's employees. They claimed that could have been the reason for her sleeping downstairs for three nights prior to the murders. It really doesnt pay to put on a documentary 25 years later to show someones guilty, Shook said. Yeah ok, she got so high off of something that she made incriminating statements about her children being murdered right in front of her, AND the aftereffects are still reverberating in her mind that she STILL clings to the statement that she made WHILE she was supposedly "drugged"!!! SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on July 07, 2018: I'm sorry to hear about the tragedy that you and your family went through and you made a very good point; people react to disaster and tragedy in different ways. The supposed defensive bruise under Darlie's right arm that was not seen by one doctor or nurse in the hospital. Your criminal mind profiling is D game. What has always fascinated me about these types of murderers is the mask they wear. Hardly, the 3 and a half inch laceration (9 cm) on her neck was defined by two physician's (one a surgeon) as superficial. Here's a question. One towel and one washcloth were discovered to have blood on them which were both identified as belonging to Darlie. She first mentioned this in court while testifying and being questioned by her attorney, Doug Mulder. After the 2015 DNA results came back, Darlie has refused requests for interviews. They were from A TWIST TIE FROM A LOAF OF FRENCH BREAD (emphasis mine) which is identical to the material the screen is made of. "It would be downright entertaining if it didn't take away so much time from what I need to be doing--researching and writing the appellate brief. This is where the boys were viciously stabbed and Darlie claimed she was attacked by an intruder while sleeping on the couch. Darlie has stated that she had to go to surgery to have her necklace removed that was embedded in her neck from the knife blade. That explains everything, thank you! Neither one provided any new information or any new evidence contrary to the original guilty verdict 25 years ago. Hi Folks.I must confess, It took me L O N G time & volumes of reading and even more soul-searching to finally arrive at accepting that Darlie is guilty. A guilty or innocent opinion cannot be accurately formed based on watching YouTube videos or simply reading a book; which are inevitably someone else's opinion. This was confirmed by Darlie's attorney, Stephan Cooper. It's also important to note that insurance records on the boys and her handwritten will were found at the foot of the couch by investigators. It made and tested printed computer circuit boards and the business flourished in its early years. I'll have to find the exact date of that interview for you. I have no doubts that he was accusing her in the 911 call based on what Darlie is saying to him, and I think that suggests a feeling of disgust and betrayal from his end. I'm not saying some things aren't strange but my mom didn't remember anything at all from the hospital when she was told my brother had died and I am an extremely emotional person and I couldn't cry I was in shock I kept telling the preacher I didn't know why I couldn't cry and I felt like I wasn't even walking on the ground. The house today. Ambulance that took Damon Routier to the hospital, Rowlett police officer Steve Wade stands guard at the front door of the Routier home as the crime scene is being processed in the early morning hours of the murders. I've been looking at her other Hubs, that is the most ridiculous bunch of made up BS I've ever read, I mean she's really outdone herself and she's getting worse. Darlie Routier is sitting on death row for killing her two young boys, although she has only been officially charged with one of their murders. Darlie told investigators that she and the boys had decided to sleep in the family room with the boys on the floor and her on the couch watching TV (As later discovered she had done for several nights before the murders) while Darin and baby Drake slept upstairs in the bedroom. That's nice to know. Suzie from Carson City on August 30, 2018: SClemmonsWhew! I'm by no means defending anyone here, but I do know its difficult to discuss a murder case involving children without emotions coming into play. The back yard motion sensor light on the Routier's recently added $9,000 redwood spa. based on the above findings should i vote guilty or not guilty? https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/vanessa- SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on May 12, 2019: Thank you and good question you asked. DA Toby Shook instructing the courtroom bailiff to be sure to show the photo of her large underarm (Right arm) bruise to every single juror. As with most mystery movies, the Darlie supporters have thrown a black car into the mix. It will show up under a black light even if attempts are made to clean the blood up. Cameras weren't as frequently allowed in courtrooms in 1996 and Turner Broadcasting's Headline News (HLN) and Court TV didn't exist to broadcast each day of the trial into every home. The speculations range from people thinking he may have murdered the boys and attacked Darlie himself in order to cash in on a $250,000 insurance policy, to his helping Darlie stage the crime scene and attempt to cover up what she had done. Although their motives for Darlie committing the murders differed slightly, they unanimously agreed that there was no doubt in their minds that Darlie Routier alone committed the murders based only on the evidence found at the scene. We probably will never know about Darin's involvement, either. Reportedly "COVID 19 Slowing Things Down". It was between the kitchen and the utility room." Perhaps she just laid there on the couch stewing over the fight they had just had. Anita Hasch from Port Elizabeth on March 06, 2018: What an awful story. Granted, I think the earlier programs were slanted more towards her guilt than innocence. He explained this action and his rational to Greg Davis. I put a considerable amount of research into it. Anytime someone questions that or the evidence, people are quick to pounce. Lol. I can only say that i am just so grateful to Got, down on my knees to thank God that none of these fuking braindead imbeciles served the Routier jury. (Since removed by new owners) It was tested by forensic investigators to see if there were any "blind" spots in the back yard and if someone could have come through or exited the back door or garage window without triggering it; none were found. It makes no sense that he would only slash her where she could wake up, fight back, scream for help, or even survive and become a witness that could testify against him. Thirdly, no intruder/burgler I have ever met, and I have met plenty, would stop and take the time to locate a knife and slit a window screen hoping to make it look like the entry/exit point? I mean no disrespect, but are you really more persuaded by the idea of a satanic cult being reponsible for these murders than all of the evidence IN THIS ARTICLE? Darlie is right handed. Just dropped by to reiterate Darlie is going to die for killing her two boys! In 2021, a judge finally ordered DNA testing on the evidence collected during the case. They're are dumbass. Darlie and Darin Routier going into the Rowlett Police Department for more questioning. It also appears that from the time Officer Waddell arrived on the scene to the time Darlie was transported to the hospital, that she never attempted to render any kind of care to her dying son, Damon. The average cost to house a death row inmate in Texas is close to $1.8 million/year, (Source: Texas Department of Criminal Justice). They did observe an open window in the garage close to the floor with a vertical cut to the screen. (Believed to be where she cut her throat). Kathy Cruz pointed out that, according to trial transcripts, one of the doctors said that Damon would have lived a few minutes after the stab wounds, and that therefore, he wouldn't have been alive when the ambulance arrived (you would also have to add Darlie staging the scene, so that would make the timeline even more impossible). She had a high school education and just barely graduated at that. I went over and picked up the knife. I'm a little bit disappointed that they didn't deal with the evidence, and focused mainly on the silly string video, and on saying that the video was what convicted her (which isn't true). I grabbed the phone and called 911. Psychologist Dr. Lisa Clayton, handsomely paid by the defense for her testimony, testified Routier exhibited the typical blackouts and distorted memory of people who experience a profound trauma and are forced to give clear descriptions of it soon after the event.Yet in jailhouse letters to friends and private conversations to friends and family before she was arrested, (even with the hospital staff) she appeared to have perfect detailed recollections of what took place, and never mentioned she couldn't remember anything. Regarding Charles Stamford, I saw a "Dead Again" episode called "Innocence Lost" in which three investigators review the evidence from the crime scene and then explain it to him at the end of it. To date, Routier has not been tried for Devon's murder. We discuss what would actually be just punishment for this Bitch. Obviously, if a retrial were somehow granted it still wouldn't change the forensic evidence that convicted her. Especially when you consider that according to Motor Trend Magazine the color black on a car is the second most popular color among consumers worldwide. I am a career criminal in and out of prisons for nearly 40 years. So that tells me that this is just another cloak from yet another Darlie fanatic pushing this Darin-did-it fairytale. She said that when she woke up, the person was standing over her, and that she was laying on the couch, and that she began struggling with him. They were a month behind on the house payment and were at risk of losing their home with less than $2,000 in their accounts. It took me 4 minutes and 51 seconds; and I'm by no means a world class athlete. The stems were unbroken giving the investigators the impression that they had just been laid there, not knocked over during a struggle. It was one of the most brutal murders Ive ever been involved with, it stands out because of the brutality of those little boys who were murdered in such a cold-blooded fashion by their mother. Maybe to get away from Darlie? Darlie must have put her earrings back in for the photo. Investigators located Glenn Mize the man Darlie was referring to. That FBI guy is working on it. For whatever reason, they did not object to or even mention the private memorial service not shown in court. But, despite your typical Darlie supporter bitterness and attempts at insulting someone who opposes your views, Im going to break my own rules and answer your questions regarding what you call, the absurdity of my article. Her story changed constantly with whoever she would talk to and her various accounts never matched the evidence found at the crime scene. NOT Darin. If you remember her at all, you're probably seeing the same mental image that most of us have: a young, attractive blonde woman chewing gum and spraying Silly String onto the new graves of her little boys. She would be the only person who could possibly identify him if left alive and there would be nothing to gain by killing the children who would probably not be able to identify the burglar or pose any threat to a burglar. Assistant District Attorney Greg Davis said in court papers that investigators also found head hairs matching Darin on the murder weapon. It was in there that she was given a polygraph exam which lasted six hours, and the Routier defense was billed $1,000 for the exam and consultation fees. This is the one area where I, the author, disagree with the prosecution. Co-Defendants None . Along with Darlie's own blood on her nightshirt, analysis revealed what's referred to as "cast off" blood droplets. Very good read. Paramedic Koschak radioed for an additional ambulance as he followed his partner into the house. Anita Hasch from Port Elizabeth on April 06, 2018: I rest my case. When investigators went to Darin's place of business with a search warrant, the building and offices were unoccupied and it appeared it had been closed for some time. As of 2021, the results of these tests are still pending.Routier's case has been the subject of multiple books and television shows. I think I screamed twice, and he ran out of the bedroom with his jeans on, and no glasses and was yelling, 'What is it? In doing this they neglect to provide all of the data or information about their position that might countermand what they've written. Did the Court get this one right? Darlie Routier - Part 1. He said he was amused by the revolving cast of weird characters and "Wanna-be Sherlock Holmes" his case keeps attracting. We also believe that the wounds present on Darlie Routier were self-inflicted. Darlie Lynn Routier is an American woman from Rowlett, Texas, who was convicted of murdering her five-year-old son, Damon. That's just my opinion though. Here is a perfect example of inaccurate, or most likely intentionally made-up information about the necklace and surgery direct from the Darlie support site "fordarlieroutier.org." ", The Routier kitchen serrated knife used to cut the garage window screen. Dr Santos testified that under any other circumstances he probably would have discharged her later that morning. (He's heard talking to Darlie 30 seconds into the call.) Ryan Kester, a teenage crime . I, the author, did it myself and I walked the distance and timed it. 2. The problem however, is that the towel was dry, not wet as Darlie testified and the blood tested on it was not Devon's, it was her's. She described his clothes and approximate height, but she stated that she either didn't look at his face or couldn't remember it. She had all the time in the world prior to dialing 911 to stage the scene at the house, stab the boys, and walk the sock down the alley in an attempt to confuse police and draw attention away from herself. It also was reported that two dozen boxes of the prosecution files on the case have been reviewed by the defense team, which includes representatives of the Innocence Project of New York. ", He explained that it does nothing but interfere time wise with his appeals work on Darlie's case. When Waddell entered the house, he was shocked at the site before his eyes as he surveyed the scene. Und die Socke die gefunden wurde knnte theoretisch dort platziert worden sein. THE "DARLIE SUPPORTERS" aka "THE CULT OF DARLIE". Darlie even said in her initial written statement to police that she screamed for Darin and he was there before she called 911, "I looked over and saw the door shut to the garage, and so I thought he might still be in there, and I needed to get Darin. Allison testified that Darlie kept a supply of marijuana in a zip-lock bag in a cabinet above the washer and dryer in the utility room. The test results were returned to Judge Lewis in June of 2015. (Until she testified in court, yep, her story changed again) That would insinuate that the supposed intruder stopped to wash his hands, clean up the sink, the counter, the outside of the cabinet doors, the sprayer, the back splash, and wipe up two of Darlie's foot prints from the floor all while being chased by Darlie. There was broken glass on the kitchen floor from a wine glass, but the glass was on top of the blood, there were no blood drops discovered on top of the shards of glass suggesting that it had been broken after the events that had supposedly taken place. It was there that Darlie announced to everyone that she and Darin already had plans in place to take a trip to Europe together, get some plastic surgery done to remove the scar from her neck, and hopefully conceive another child while on the trip, preferably a daughter. The extended length of the blood stains indicated motion of the blood from downward to upward. The distance to where the sock was located from the Routier house is 75 yards, that's 450 feet round trip and can be completed walking a fast pace (Not running) in 5 minutes or less. Posted on May 15, 2022. The testing conducted on the knife handle, the sweatband of the cap, and the sock turned out to be inconclusive due to their poor condition. Shook produced a third letter and read out loud "I know who did it, and it's driving me crazy that he is out there running free.." Then he read out loud a fourth letter to one of Darlie's friends stating: "I'm praying they'll be able to get a confession from Glenn." You dont hear it often anymore because it's been replaced by the more plausible, but equally bogus, explsnation that it is cross-contaminarion from fingerprinting the knife block. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on August 28, 2018: I can't help you make that decision, that's entirely up to you. Darlie Routier Called 911 Saying An Intruder Attacked Her And Her Sons. ", A copy of the 2015 DNA test results can be found here: https://youcouldbewrong.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/dr-06262015103716.pdf. They prefer to absorb information in a "pre-digested" form by reading and quoting the work of others. Cherry picking is where the author selectively pulls tidbits of information about a subject that affirms their position or the point they're trying to get across. It showed wiped up blood from the counter, the cabinet doors, and on the sides of the sink. What crap! Dallas attorney J. Stephen Cooper requested the naming of a new federal defense attorney because one of Routiers counsel, Lauren E. Schmidt, accepted another job. With the 2015 DNA results, it just all the more confirms that there is not one shred of evidence to show that an intruder came in the house or that the only other person in the house, Darin Routier, was responsible for murdering his sons. But she never mentions that anymore like she did 25 years ago in her letters to friends and family while she was incarcerated during the trial. More on the sink will be addressed later in this article. "I woke up hearing my son Damon saying 'Mommy Mommy,' as he tugged on my nightshirt. DNA technology has advanced significantly since the night of the murders, and readings can be gleaned even from the trace oils on human skin. She literally sealed her own fate on the witness stand. When they arrived, they found both boys stabbed to . He tried to kill me. Satanist friends? Bevel and Linch are two con artists, just read the transcripts (I doubt you actually did). These photos were taken just hours before she was formally arrested and charged with a double homicide. You think by calling yourself that were supposed to believe all that bullshit? Waddell instructed Darlie to get a towel and put pressure on the boy's wounds. Those of us on this site devoted to justice for two murdered little boys dont just smell bullshit a mile away we smell it across country. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on July 06, 2018: fedematias95, the link definitely works I tried it on my computer at work. Darlie looked at the detective and responded, Oh, he always goes off like that when someone he doesnt know walks in the door. Patterson was immediately alert. BRIEFLY LIVING THE GOOD LIFE AND DARLIE'S DEPRESSION. And yet here you come parroting this RIDICULOUS Darlie-was-drugged theory that is supported by ZERO evidence, and nobody on the defense INCLUDING DARLIE has made such a claim in 21 years. Dismay, that you seem unwilling to even show a half-hearted attempt at applying logic to what is so obvious. We were in no way excited we were still struggling to find a new normal in our lives. It wont be the first time a husband drugs his wife. I also kniw there is reasinable doubt. Darin never mentioned a word about towels or Darlie bringing him towels in his written police statement, but he testified in court that she brought him 3 or 4 towels. She may have gotten more and more upset thinking about what Darin had said and somehow justified in her mind that her two oldest boys were the source of her problems. With most of them I inquired as to whether or not they actually had read the trial transcripts to which the majority of them admitted they had not. There were knife wounds to Routier's neck, forearm and shoulder. Especially with the possibility of the supposed intruder still being in the house. There's a large group of amateur armchair detectives that sit at home in front of their computer screens watching YouTube video's critiquing the techniques utilized by the evidence investigators and lab technicians at the Routier crime scene. For 25 years theyve been free to make whatever claim they want to; to distort the evidence any way they want to. The cut screen on the garage window was just that, cut. You heard the 911 call, "they came in, stabbed me and my children", then how the hell can you evouen try to suggest that the husband/father did it? Darlie mentioned twice to police 911 dispatcher Doris Trammell, twice to officer Waddell and Detective Patterson, and four times to the hospital staff that she wished she hadn't picked the knife up off the floor that she claimed the intruder dropped as she chased him out of the house. I got up to chase after him. She has also been charged with capital murder in the death of her six-year-old son, Devon, who was murdered at the same time as Damon. Darlie supporters claim that the crime scene was contaminated due to the large number of police, firefighters, paramedics, crime scene technicians, etc. Darlie Routier: I was calling 911 as I got the towels. Darlie Routier had no medical certification or training of any kind. Much of the debate is based on incorrect and inaccurate information, in some cases even outright made-up information is passed as fact. Another supporter with his own website (The Gospel of Timothy) and YouTube video claims the boys were killed by a Rowlett police officer because he considered Damon and Devon to be demonic names. Doug Mulder: You didnt remove it, did you? Darlie repeatedly stated that the intruder exited the house through the garage and went out the window. A friend of the family said that after the boy's funeral the immediate family and close friends all gathered at Darlie Kee's house. Her testimony most likely hastened the trial and the deliberation time of the jury, but the evidence alone had her convicted with or without her testimony. Every juror that was able to be interviewed after the trial confirmed that. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on January 03, 2018: Happy New Year to you too Everton, and you Jade as well. According to Barbara Davis' book, Precious Angels, family member Jackie Rogers stated that the way Darlie ordered Devon around and "beat him down" she considered it emotional abuse. You got me curious about Malignant Narcissism disorder. Have a good day! I cannot comment on the details of this investigation other than to say we believe that the white male suspect described by Darlie Routier as the man that attacked her and murdered her children never existed. Was juror Charlie Samford asleep when this picture was shown to them? SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on January 30, 2018: Everton - You're right she makes these things up in her head and tries to pass them as fact or the result of her supposed "research." These results are not posted or even mentioned on the "fordarlie.org" website, overseen by Darlie's mother, Darlie Kee. As Barbara Davis, author of Precious Angles, wrote, "The wet towel story was born when Darin and Darlie realized that the police had taken the kitchen sink as evidence, and that the boys spatter/cast-off blood had been found on the shoulder areas of her nightshirt.". That's part of their duties, is to find injuries that we may have missed. I'm eager to read the reactions and thoughts so we can exchange & discuss! Darlie Routier's current appeals attorney, Stephen Cooper. Rowlett Detective Jimmy Patterson even documented this in his June 18, 1996 arrest warrant" "Darlie told us that she saw the assailant drop the knife in the utility room.". Thank you. So nice to hear from someone that actually took the time to read, research, and examine the evidence prior to making a decision from the heart or from a YouTube video. Darlie even admitted to taking this polygraph later in a 2001 prison interview. I personally own a Great Pyrenees, he's a large dog with a loud bark and roams free around my house at night. Have a good day! The knife was dipped in animal blood and dropped on the utility room floor in the house from waist level while walking, and then again while running exactly as Darlie described the intruder had done. Timed it CULT of Darlie '' show a half-hearted attempt at applying logic to what is so.. Added $ 9,000 redwood spa in June of 2015 Lynn Routier is an American woman Rowlett... 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