diatomaceous earth vs nematodes for fleas

He likes to stay under my bed when he sleeps. I am now struggling to vacuum it up, my filter gets blocked in a couple of minutes and I cant see around my house as the DE flies into the air. I bathed my cat with Dawn dish soap too. I dont know how or when they got so bad but, my home was infested. Ive been giving it to her for a couple weeks in her food, and I had seen no signs of worms anymore. (Im 28 weeks along) I wanted to use it on our cat, our bedroom carpet, and our bed because those are the places he sleeps the mostbut I wanted to make sure it was safe for me to use first. We had treated them with Advantage and its time to retreat. Rock material, not concrete. Diatomaceous earth also known as diatomite works like a natural detoxifying agent within the body, killing parasites and viruses that can contribute to illnesses while also helping to clean the blood. Thanks for sharing! In conclusion, using this simple and natural powder can do wonders for household flea problems. Thats a great tip . Thanks. I think we brought them home from groomer when they were shaved in July. I use garlic in my dogs food as a flea preventative and it seems to work well. Good luck! Quick, easy, inexpensive and non-toxic. had worked very rapidly. Also I took it myself in water for a few week I had been suffering with vertigo it took it completely away!!! What do you recommend? Food grade of course. The experience with bed bugs and fleas is, the fleas are harder to get rid of due to having two animals walking around as hosts. I have a question. Im off to try and find your article about flea solutions for cats! Hi Natasha, glad I have come across your article. Thanks for taking the time to provide all this info, I really appreciate it , Hi I just notice diatomaceous earth in a pet food supplement. It will last for a long time. Over the past 2 weeks I have seen 4 fleas in my new apartment. Great article! I understand on my mattress and furniture I use a vacuum.cleaner. Going to dust my couch and their bedding. You can read more about the benefits of a no-till garden here. Adam, it is important to wear gloves and a mask because if the material enters your lungs it can be damaging. Anothet woman told us about it. I do think advice should be given to use an old second hand vacuum if possible, or the regular one if youre thinking of replacing it anyway. However, it seems pretty common here. First, thank you for the article. I have hardwood floors. Lastly, when cleaning it up, I highly recommend you use a shopvac, as they are very effective and you can usually hire one affordably. I would like to know how to apply it to the pets skin fleas are not a problem in my carpet anylonger since I have removed them all from my home.I do have an old pet who has such a terrible time with her skin this time of year she is red and hot and smells horrible my heart aches for her I have tried everything and thought maybe this would help if I fed it to her and maybe put it on her coat. Search for further help with dose. The cat with frontline has the fleas. I would love to hear how it goes, please keep us updated! I have lots and lots of fleas jumping about and have been using your tealight traps at night (theyre great!). It was like an invasion out of nowhere. I wouldnt recommend putting it on your pets (even though it wont hurt them), rather use a spot on treatment . Used with permission. Hi Becky, I suggest using DE around the home, not directly on your pets. We recently discovered we have a flea infestationafter myself and 3 of our children were getting mysterious bites. I hope that you share your new found knowledge with your friends and family so that they can also have a fantastic method for getting rid of fleas . Although it is not toxic, it can cause dryness and . That wont be a problem at all, let us all know how it goes! The little twits (fleas) seem to becoming immune. I have borrowed a live trap for the racoons, but I am wondering if I use DE outside on the deck and adjacent ground if that will harm any nematodes I plan to release afterwards? I dont have a flea or tick issue since I apply Frontline Plus to my 9 pound dog a couple of times during the summer (however, if DE could replace those chemicals, that would be my preference). Hi Aileen, probably just a couple to be honest. I also found some ants emerging into my kitchen over the last couple of days and I poofed DE and they dont like it at all. While DE that contains lower amounts of crystalline silica (less than one percent) are likely fairly safe, some DE contains higher amounts of crystalline silica and are potentially hazardous.. Hi Judy, yes you can but it only really works when it is dry (so no humidity or rainy weather), so I recommend you give beneficial nematodes a try. Last year when I bought DE, I got a 40lb bag which of course I still got plenty and I was thinking if should I be worried about some sort of expiration date? Thanks! How do we get rid of them? I have purchased DE Food Grade and ready to give it a try. Should I wait until the dew is dry in the morning and sprinkle it around, under, and inside the shed? I dont know why you said it wasnt safe for kittens and small animals because it definitely is. It might be worth your while to get your yard treated by an exterminator and then leave the house (and your pets if you have) to you. You rock! The DE will kill fleas but will not kill their eggs, unless the larvae emerges while the DE is still down. Ive also been mixing 1 teaspoon with their wet food twice a week and its cleared all the worms out bc they are gaining weight and their fur has never looked or felt better!!!!!!! Hi Michael, nah just wipe those down, just focus DE on the floors and any fabric. Should I try a light dusting on the comforter cover? Howeverour basement is so bad we cant even walk down there anymore. For your pets I recommend a decent spot of treatment or just simply give them a bath using dawn dish soap each day for a couple days. Thanks. How about my 2 year old son? That sounds like a fairly serious infestation, I honestly recommend that you call an exterminator in to deal with that, its a bit much for a DIY job. Hope that helps , I get rid of the fleas but one of my dogs keeps playing with a neighbor cat that is infested and gets them again. I put DE all around my bed and removed the bedskirt, but they are directly jumping onto me and my blankets :-(. . Very hardy, low water plant. p.s. While it can work, I advice against using it on your pet. I now have a horrible flea infestation. It is supposed to be safe (gives instructions for feeding cattle right on the bag) and says it is food grade. I was just about to use it on my carpets but wanted to check your site to see how it was applied. It is a pleasure, always happy to help! I was recommended using DE, food grade of course, on a dog forum last year. Thanks so much. Since I usually recommend applying the DE a couple times in heavily infested areas (vacuuming it up each time after about a day), you will probably need about 10kgs. Although its advisable to vacuum it up completely, the food grade (this is incredibly important)) variation of DE is perfectly safe. I have seen no mention of anyone using it on human bedding, so I would love to hear your thoughts on that. Im just wondering, if the effectiveness might go away the longer it sits, and if I would be better sweeping, then reapplying. now i am thinking to put food grade DE ! If I just hit the rugs, cloth furniture and such will that help? I dont know what to do. Will this work if I put it on and then vacuum later? They will give you an idea of how many fleas are hiding in the home and they are very effective. My daughter used borax all over in their house, and washed all of their bedding in the house, as well as getting Honey a flea shot and doing the vinegar washes, I believe. Then it is food grade and safe. Should be alright but just make sure its not pool grade or anything like that. Is this flea eggs or somehow the DE coming off and turning black? However, if you really want a number, I would say that after a couple hard freezes its unlikely that there will be many fleas around. This stuff is awesome considering I have a 17 month old son! All are bad at bathingwhen I try, I get scratched, bit, crying, and its exhausting. However, her milk dried up very quickly and she had to be separated from her litter as kittens sadly do not understand that there will be no milk from that source and youre hurting your mum. Hey David! Appreciate this website for answering all my questions about DE. how would I use? Hi Denise! Since diatomaceous earth is completely non-toxic, how on earth can it kill fleas? Its peppermint oil and clove extract. I did not want to use chemicals on my cat or myself. Good luck! This was about 3-4 wks. Rather just wash him in dawn soap and warm water and reserve the DE for the floors. Can I use DE on the friends and then wash them? Hi Cindy, thanks for your lovely comment, it contains so much juicy details. It wont hurt him but I would rather recommend a decent spot on treatment or just simply giving him a good bath using dawn soap and warm water. Hi Melody, DE is not for direct application to your pets, just use it for everything except them. We have ticks and fleas in the yard and I dont want to use chemicals that will harm our pets or our herbs and vegetables. Its a pleasure. Its effectiveness varies depending on the environment its used in. Finding a safe and effective flea preventative is essential for your pets health and comfort. Hey Colleen, welcome back! They work for up to 8 months. Its wonderful to use with chickens. If breathed in, diatomaceous earth can irritate the nose and nasal passages. I had bed bugs probably eight years ago and after researching and researching, found that DE kills them. and when I put it all around house, when do you vacuum it up? Thank you so much!! We will continue this treatment just to be safe and to make sure we catch any that have recently woken up. Hey Eileen! I just bought and applied some DE yesterday Natasha. Would it be a bad idea to use the Safer Brand DE on my lawns and fence line? First time, I bought a Sarento collar and it WORKED!! They sell small and large quantities for poultry mites and parasites. I also wanted to ask.the DE my husband got is food grade mixed with bentonite clay (Red Lakes brand).is that sufficient? Can we still sleep on the bed or avoid for a while? The vet said a flea bath from a groomer may help, but they cant guarantee to get all of the fleas, and then if our house isnt completely free of them, itll start the cycle all over again. Thanks for the share, really helps . It worked well on the housecats. Reading through your article and comment feeds, I find I do have a question. However it did say good for chickens such. Hope that helps. If they sell them in slightly larger quantities, get the bigger one as its always a useful product to have around the house. Biological controls include the use of beneficial nematodes and predatory insects. Hi, You also mentioned that DE isnt advisable for smaller pets, like puppies, as it could be dangerous. How do I know if its good grade if it doesnt say anything on the package? Three years later, and Ive only 1-1/2 containers for 2,000 sq. Thank you very much DE wont work if you mix it with water (for killing fleas that is). I cant shut off my stove oven (living in an apartment I have no access to the valve under the crawl space) my apartment looks like a scene from Scarface! Are they safe for my pets? Hi Misty! I used a drain strainer to put the DE through my entire house but I still think I may have used to much. Just make sure that it is food grade so that its safe. This guide has brought a new life for me and my pets!!! Is this gonna hurt them? is also killed by it, I suggest you give that a try. The one room I saw fleas and flea dirt though the fleas were dead, the other childs room we just found flea dirt where the cat laid in one spot. Hi Yera, not really, will be writing some articles on ticks soon, stay tuned. We have had a terrible time with all sorts of bad bugs in our garden this year & I want to avoid this w/my fall crops & next spring. Thank you so much for this site. in fact, farmers use it all the time in their animals food (about 3% is the norm) and if you google around a bit, youll see how helpful its been for their health! Im a little worried about trying it because I adore my cats and I would be devastated if something should happen to them! Ive been rescuing/ rehoming cats for 15 years. Hey Meeshall! But, I think I finally got the problem under control. Please note, as an introduction to this section, let me just make one thing crystal clear. I hope this works, as I feel so bad for my doggie itching and biting himself to get at the fleas. Hi Stephanie, thanks for the feedback. Thanks! Ive recently purchased Diatomaceous Red Lake Earth. And also the cats love to lay in my wardrobe. Do you make a liquid with D.E. Thanks! Based on where I see fleas and remembering what I read long ago about where fleas get the moisture they need, Ive put a little DE on the dogs tummies and the tops and sides of their heads. Hi we have fleas in our house and after I bombed twice and used flea killer spray for homes we still have them I went out and bought DE at tractor supply it the red lake brand and its food grade but what Im reading from posts it should be white in color this is brown in color Im just wondering if it will still kill the fleas? Leave the area. Hi! Whats the minimum amount of time to leave it down for and is it generally safe for my cat to walk around on straight after application? With some careful planning, preventative measures, and an action plan in place, you wont have to worry about the safety of your precious broccoli and eggplants. Only ingredient is Diatomaceous Earth, 100%. (More Effective than DE Alone) 1 lb By Abundant Living. And if you have vacuumed up some of the DE powder that is an excellent way to kill bugs in the vacuum cleanerno need to remove and toss vacuum cleaner bags. You can definitely put it in the kennel though, will work well. We are vacuuming twice daily and washing clothing we are wearing and bedding every other day. Now we have fleas fleas and more fleas. Im so glad I came across your site, Ive read several articles, all very helpful! These things are only biting me and no one else in the house so everyone thinks I am crazy. Today a flea was on my husbands leg, do you think this means I still have a lot of fleas everywhere, or could it be a couple that havent died yet? Just make sure its the pure, food grade variation and it might be worth your while to get with your vet first Good luck! However, I do have a little granddog, who is a chihuahua, and comes over with my daughter & granddaughter about twice per month. I am freaking out and would appreciate any advice. Because flea beetles identify their target by smell and visual cues, employing ways to inhibit their capacity to distinguish the host will help protect your main crop. After reading your blog I ordered food grade D-Earth from Amazon and put it down today. (My DE is food grade, but I have had it for a year). You will be fine, dont stress just always use food grade in future. Would love to hear your thoughts on our process and the likelihood that we got rid of everything. Hi Ang! . Sound unsightly? Ive sent my husband to the local farm supply to by DE. Natasha, We have tried sprays, foggers, DE, traps, boric acid, homemade lemon spray & essential oil spray for the furniture(along with all the others listed), others I didnt even mention for months now & use a monthly rated #1 pet medication for our INDOOR cat & yet everyday fleas are in traps& back on our animal At our wits end . You may see one or two now and then but do not panicthey missed the powder somehow but they wont avoid it for long. I had a quick question: I have a house w/ a basement and have noticed fleas in both levels. I recommend it is used for the home and sleeping areas. Not sure I can do this in our offices as the dust will be killer on our computer equipment. Hey La! and brushing it in? Over the last couple of years, people have been blasted with such a large amount of different flea removal methods that its become difficult to determine whats best for your flea problem. Back in the 1830s, an old farmer discovered a hard substance that he initially thought was limestone. Hi Aileen! In fact, if you can get hold of a shop vac, that would be ideal. A ton on the back patio I need to do but there are only so many hours in a day. Ive been spraying a Peppermint oil & Clover product on all the fabric furniture (its suppose to kill fleas and fleas eggs). My recommendation is that you really rub it into your carpets (I use a broom) and after leaving it for the day, vacuum it up and repeat if necessary. Here are a few easy steps that you can follow to get rid of fleas in your home using diatomaceous earth. Thank you for the advice! Anyway, heres my situation. I saw a bug flying across over our dinning table this morning as I was about to decide to clean up the powder all over on the floor. I read in a couple of your comments saying fleas on humans are not that common (or something along that line). That is a great question, let me go ahead and answer that! That being said, rather dont put anymore down if you can easily purchase some food grade stuff because it is better. Smart cats. They love a warm lamp, even on the bottom of the lamp. Glad to hear it worked for someone. This is the first that I have bother with fleas infestation I have had dogs for years. Another record-keeping tip: If you arent keeping a gardening journal already, start one. Pretty sure they meant dogs not drugs, auto correct is bad, it even got you a couple times in your blog. The bag of DE with insecticide is already open and I wouldnt want to waste it. . Repeat and make sure that his bedding is 100% flea free . Just unsure how to clean up the basement since the floors, walls, and areas covered with DE are all different in texture & make. Also the few that did jump up on my socks, fell off since they were too weak to stick. I do have a large backyard. The active ingredient is lower than other topical making it easier for cats, who have a hard time with chemicals and medications. Or would I need to wait the 3 weeks, hoover, then apply the DE? I will be writing about roaches in the next couple months and I will definitely include something about this. Will using DE for a month take care of the problem or will we be battling this forever or until the fleas are nearly gone in the environment next winter. But it doesn't have to only be ingested to be effective. Is DE effective against bees? I did not have to change their bedding as often as it helped keep down the smell. I started cleaning the Borax from my hardwood floors and I couldnt believe the amount of fleas and flea dirt I was seeing. What if I placed the DE down and left it for days, weeks instead of vacuuming everyday and redoing the process. Well, theres bad news for the flea beetles everywhere, now that youve learned their plan of attack. Or maybe because i used a battery operated tea light candle instead of a real one and wasnt effective? You can usually find it locally otherwise get it online Hope that helps! Hi Angela! Hi Sharon, apologies, I meant to specifically say cats when advising about their liver. Would this plan work for DE application -> DE down on carpet for 2-3 days, then vacuum up, then DE immediately reapplied (so in effect DE two times a week or a continuous application for 4 weeks). I bought a bag of DE for fleas and got it home and its brown, will this work for fleas or does it have to be the white DE? Killing fleas that is a great question, let me just make sure that it is...., under, and inside the shed yesterday Natasha bit, crying, and I had no... Past 2 weeks I have a question walk down there anymore, but I have seen 4 in. Or avoid for a while do wonders for household flea problems we cant even walk down anymore! Read in a day it on and then wash them doggie itching and biting himself get! Amount of fleas in both levels worried about trying it because I a. Grade so that its safe & Clover product on all the fabric furniture ( suppose... How it was applied this is the first that I have come your! 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