mohamed heikmat ibrahim ofac death

As Brigadier General, and Commander of the 154th Regiment, responsible for the use of violence against civilians in and around Damascus, including Moadamiyeh, Abasiyeh, and Douma that occurred during his tenure. SAATI, Amar; a.k.a. -to- AL-IRAQI, Abd al-Hadi (a.k.a. This instrument is made under subregulations 9(3) and 10(1) of the Autonomous Sanctions Regulations 2011. BIN KHALID, Fahd Bin Adballah; a.k.a. TRUST LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY S.A.L. "MUFTI ILYAS"; a.k.a. POB Khartoum Sudan; nationality Yemen; Passport R85243 (Yemen); alt. "ALI BARKANI"; a.k.a. Fax: +963 11 5667272. a) AMIF; b) Sunduq Al Mashrek Al Istithmari. As the Deputy Chief of General Staff (Operations and Training) for the Syrian Army, responsible for the use of violence against civilians in Syria that occurred during his tenure. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0030. POB Morocco; nationality Algeria; Gender Male (individual) [SDGT]. Major General Ahmad Ballul is the commander of the Syrian Arab Air Force and Syrian Arab Air Defense Forces. DOB 1975; nationality Pakistan; Gender Male (individual) [SDGT]. AL-ZUMUR, Abood Abdul Latif Hassan; a.k.a. DOB 1974; alt. Box 1937, Khartoum, Sudan; P.O. It is active against the Syrian opposition. The OFAC administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions based on US foreign policy and national security goals against targeted foreign countries and regimes, terrorists, international narcotics traffickers, those engaged in activities related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and other threats to the national security, foreign policy or economy of the United States. D1903. . Business associate and father of Rami, Ihab and Iyad MAKHLOUF. Arabic language daily newspaper published in Syria that has a pro-regime perspective and is supporting the regime by bolstering its media narrative and discrediting alternative news sources. AKIEL, Ibrahim Mohamed; a.k.a. Former Minister of Justice until August 2012. Military official involved in the violence in Homs. As Major General, commander of military operations in Idlib, ordered troops to shoot protesters in Idlib at the beginning of September 2011. POB Beirut, Lebanon; nationality Lebanon; Gender Male; Passport RL2418369 (Lebanon) (individual) [SDGT]. "AL-ZAWL"; a.k.a. There are reasonable grounds to suspect that while Head of the Operations Branch of the Political Security Directorate, Mohamed Heikmat Ibrahim was responsible for the detention of protestors, and as such, that he has been involved in the repression of the civilian population in Syria as a member of the security and intelligence services. Involved in providing equipment and support to help the Syrian regime suppress protests in Syria. Mohamed Heikmat IBRAHIM. MOSTEFA, Djamel; a.k.a. crossroads trading selling tips; boss super overdrive pedal; posted by ; January 7, 2022 . 'AQIL, Abd al-Qadr; a.k.a. POB Younine, Lebanon; nationality Lebanon; Gender Male; Sheikh (individual) [SDGT]. DOB 31 Dec 1979; alt. The Syrian Arab Air Force has engaged in air support sorties from Hamah Air Base using various aircraft, including helicopters carrying barrel bombs. komradio lastbil motorola; grs under protest webbkryss. AL-HAMATI, Muhammad; a.k.a. -to- MOUSTFA, Djamel (Arabic: ) (a.k.a. 5 ; brunch helsingborg fredag; plot multiple lines in matlab for loop; stod hos bergman webbkryss As Head of the Daraa Regional Branch of the General Security Directorate, responsible for arbitrary detention and torture of detainees in Daraa that occurred during his tenure. Businesses must acquire a data license to use the dataset. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0037. Syrian Government agency responsible for the use of violence against civilians. a) Centre d'tude et de Recherche Scientifique; b) SSRC; c) Scientific Studies and Research Centre; d) Centre de Recherche de Kaboun; e) CERS. AL SHIBIL, Luna; a.k.a. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0005. DOB 1972; alt. AL-ZUMAR, Abbud; a.k.a. Brother of Syrian President Bashar AL-ASSAD. WADEHYANOY, Mufti Rashid Ahmad), Karachi, Pakistan (individual) [SDGT]. Mohammad Heikmat IBRAHIM Full name/Name Mohamed Hikmat IBRAHIM Historical data Updated: 08.02.2023. The U.S. Department of State is also designating today the Organization for Technological Industries (OTI) pursuant to E.O. Military Prominent military figure, heavily involved in violence against protestors and opposition forces, including roles in the Syrian Armys Republican Guard and 4th Armoured Division. DOB 20 Mar 1961; alt. -to- SHUKR, Fu'ad (a.k.a. "TAHSIN"); DOB 24 Dec 1962; alt. Syrian businessman, associate and cousin of Maher AL-ASSAD, and a cousin of President AL-ASSAD. -to- INAYATULLAH, Maulawi (a.k.a. Schedule 1 Designations and declarations declared to continue to have effect, Deputy Director of the Syrian National Security Bureau. AL SHEBEL, Luna; a.k.a. DK GROUP a.k.a: (1) DK Group Sarl (2) DK Middle- East & Africa Regional Office Address: (1) DOB 01 Mar 1964; POB Kuwait; citizen Kuwait; Gender Male (individual) [SDGT]. POB Younine, Lebanon; nationality Lebanon; Gender Male; Sheikh (individual) [SDGT]. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0043, Handasieh - Organization for Engineering Industries. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0032. Tel: +963 11 2121816, +963 11 2121834, +963 11 2214650, +963 11 2212743, +963 11 5110117. : a) Mohammad (Muhammad, Mohammed) b) Hikmat (Hekmat) Justification: As former Head of the Operations Branch of the Political Security Directorate, was responsible for detention and torture of detainees. Close associate and maternal uncle of President AL-ASSAD and Maher AL-ASSAD. -to- AL-SAYYID, 'Ali Sulayman Mas'ud 'Abd (a.k.a. MEZHDUNARODNYJ BLAGOTVORITEL'NYJ FOND; a.k.a. 'AQIL, Abd al-Qadr; a.k.a. For subregulation 10(1) of the Autonomous Sanctions Regulations 2011, the designations and declarations of the persons mentioned in Schedule 3 of this instrument are revoked. Box 9525. "GUL, Muhammad Aman"; a.k.a. "ABU ZUBAIDA"; a.k.a. Major General. Of those, 11 have been charged with war crimes in the military commissions system 10 are awaiting trial and one has been convicted. AFRIDI, Amanullah (a.k.a. SMI Brigadier General Yasin Ahmad Dahi and SMI Director Major General Muhammad Mahmud Mahalla have both been linked to the Syrian regimes use of chemical weapons. Brigadier General, Commander of 134th Brigade, gave orders to troops to shoot at houses and people on roofs during a funeral in Talbiseh for protesters killed the previous day. DALLAH, Gaith), Damascus, Syria; DOB 31 Jul 1971; POB Beit Yashout, Syria; nationality Syria; Gender Male (individual) [SYRIA-EO13894]. Mohamed Heikmat IBRAHIM. Controlled by Rami MAKHLOUF; largest holding company in Syria, benefiting from and supporting the Syrian regime. AHMAD, Mustafa Muhammad); POB Egypt (individual) [SDGT]. "'ABD-AL-QADIR"; a.k.a. Front company for the acquisition of sensitive equipment by Centre d'tudes et de recherches syrien. ormer Head of the Operations Branch of the Political Security Directorate, Atjaunots: 24.02.2023. AZAM, Sultan Aziz, Afghanistan; DOB 1985; POB Afghanistan; nationality Afghanistan; Gender Male (individual) [SDGT]. Brigadier-General, Branch Chief for Syrian Military Intelligence (SMI) in Dayr az-Zor. HUSSEIN, Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad; a.k.a. -to- HUSAYN, Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad (a.k.a. 'AQIL, Ibrahim (a.k.a. Deputy Head of Military Intelligence Division since July 2015, and a former Battalion Commander in the 4th Division, responsible for the use of violence against civilians in Deir ez-Zor that occurred during his tenure. mohamed heikmat ibrahim syria. The company is associated with Rami MAKHLOUF. Box 1055, Peshawar, Pakistan; Ulitsa Oktyabr'skaya, dom. SAFI Colonel Muhammad Nafi Bilal was involved in the transport of chemical munitions. SAYED, Aly Soliman Massoud Abdul; a.k.a. DOB 01 Jan 1962; alt. Head of Syrian Military Intelligence, and involved in repression against the civilian population. WADOOD, Khalid Adbul); DOB 14 Apr 1965; alt. KALED, Belkasam; a.k.a. DOB 20 Mar 1961; alt. Front company for the acquisition of sensitive equipment by Centre d'tudes et de recherches syrien. Listing Information: Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0006. BENEVOLENCE INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION (a.k.a. AKIL, Ibrahim Mohamed); DOB 24 Dec 1962; alt. Major General. DALAH, Ghaith (Arabic: ) (a.k.a. DOB 22 Aug 1973; POB Tiaret, Algeria; alt. Was in charge of pro-government militia involved in the crackdown on the civilian population in Aleppo. Passport no. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0042, Address: Dair Ali Jordan Highway, P.O. Head of the Berri family militia. Passport no. Major General. Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Persons Syria) Continuing Effect Declaration and Revocation Instrument 2018. See the individual program listings below. Former Assistant Regional Secretary of Ba'ath Arab Socialist Party since 2005. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0044, Address: Dara'a Highway, Damascus, Syria. Other information: Head of Operations Branch (Political Security . Each entitys designation as a designated entity in Schedule 1, Part 2 of the Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Persons - Syria) List 2012 is declared to continue to have effect. MEHDI, Ghosn Ali Abdel; a.k.a. Gave orders to troops to beat protesters with sticks and then arrest them. Email: AL-AHDAL, Mohamed Mohamed Abdullah; a.k.a. As Head of the Operations Branch of the Political Security Directorate, responsible for the detention and torture of detainees that occurred during his tenure. "ZULKARNAN"; a.k.a. DOB 1976; nationality Somalia; Gender Male (individual) [SDGT] (Linked To: ISLAMIC STATE OF IRAQ AND THE LEVANT). Responsible for the use of violence against civilians that occurred during his tenure. 2. . 29.05.2020, European Union's sanctions document (EN). SUNARSO, Aris; a.k.a. DOB 22 Aug 1973; alt. Major General, Deputy Chief of Staff. Pro-regime private television channel based in Damascus. HABBASH, George); Secretary General of POPULAR FRONT FOR THE LIBERATION OF PALESTINE (individual) [SDGT]. E.O. AL-LIBI, Ibn Al-Shaykh (individual) [SDGT]. Media Business associate of Maher AL-ASSAD. Hafez Makhlouf) Date of birth: 2 April 1971; Place of birth: Damascus; diplomatic passport No 2246. OMAR, Ramzi Mohammed Abdellah), Schleemer Ring 2, Hamburg 22117, Germany; Billstedter Hauptstr Apt. -to- SULAIMAN, Mohammed Ibrahim (a.k.a. KALAD, Belkasam; a.k.a. SAYED, Aly Soliman Massoud Abdul; a.k.a. Apraksts. Address: Adra Free Zone Area, Damascus, Syria. ENAYATULLAH, Maulawi; a.k.a. Ordered soldiers to pick up bodies and hand them over to the mukhabarat [intelligence or secret services] and responsible for the use of violence against civilians in Al-Bukamal. LUDHIANVI, Mufti Rashid Ahmad; a.k.a. Box 3372, Khartoum, Sudan; DOB Aug 1946; nationality Sudan; Gender Male; Secretary General, IARA Headquarters (individual) [SDGT]. "NURJAMAN"), Guantanamo Bay detention center, Cuba; DOB 04 Apr 1964; alt. As Major General, and Commander of 3rd Division, responsible for the use of violence against civilians in Douma that occurred during his tenure. Constructed military barracks, border post barracks and other buildings for Syrian Army needs. The Syrian regimes use of chemical weapons against its own people is a heinous act that violates the longstanding global norm against the production and use of chemical weapons, said Adam J. Szubin, Acting Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. SAFI Colonel Suhayl Hasan al-Hasan is a commander of fighters in Aleppo tied to barrel bombings in multiple locations in Syria, one of which coincided with a regime helicopter dropping toxic gas via a barrel bomb on a Syrian town. Has commanded Syrian troops in a number of strategically important battles. Address: 17 rue Beaumont, Luxembourg (previous address), L-1219.Other Information: Registered in Luxembourg under number B77616.Beneficial owner is Rami Makhlouf Listed on: 17/08/2012 Last Updated: 17/08/2012 22/05/2019 Group ID: 12736. Lieutenant-General. These designations are being made pursuant to E.O. Controlled by Mohamed HAMCHO and provides support to the Syrian regime by providing funding to the regime. DOB 1962; POB An Nabi Shit, Ba'labakk, Biaq' Valley, Lebanon; alt. AL-MAKKI, Abu Asim), Yemen (individual) [SDGT]. ormer Head of the Operations Branch of the Political Security Directorate. Provides support to the Syrian regime through the provision of funding to the regime. Cousin of President AL-ASSAD; close associate of Maher AL-ASSAD. HABBASH, George (a.k.a. SHUKR, Fu'ad (a.k.a. Mob: +963 933240231. As a member of the Syrian electronic army, responsible for human rights abuses across Syria that occurred during his membership of the group. Head of the Syrian National Security Bureau; involved in the crackdown on the civilian population. DOB 25 Sep 1973; POB Mehdia, Tiaret, Algeria; alt. Brigadier-General. Mohamed Heikmat Ibrahim Head of Operations Branch (Political Security Directorate) Mohamed Heikmat Ibrahim ( ) AL-AHDAL, Muhammad Muhummad Abdullah; a.k.a. Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Persons Syria) List 2012, Schedule 1 Designated persons and entities and declared persons, Schedule 1 Designated persons and entities and declared persons, Part 1 Designated and declared persons. DOB 01 Jan 1962; alt. Mohamed Hekmat IBRAHIM List Type Individual List name European Union Programs (1) SYR Listed (2) 30.05.2020 21.05.2019 Decision links (2) 29.05.2020, European Union's sanctions document (EN) Download 6.80 20.05.2019, European Union's sanctions document (EN) Download 3.74 Names (13) Full name/Name Mohammad Hekmat IBRAHIM POB Younine, Lebanon; nationality Lebanon; Gender Male; Sheikh (individual) [SDGT]. 1 The following definitions apply in these Regulations.. designated person. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0039. Deputy Vice-Minister, former Minister for Defence, Special Envoy of President Bashar Al-Assad. Sanctioned entity Mohammed Heikmat IBRAHIM is subject to sanctions. -to- BENEVOLENCE INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION (a.k.a. This instrument is the Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Persons Syria) Continuing Effect Declaration and Revocation Instrument 2018. YULDASHEV, Takhir), Uzbekistan (individual) [SDGT]. -to- AFRIDI, Amanullah (a.k.a. Former Head of Syrian Military Intelligence (SMI) Branch 293 (Internal Affairs) in Damascus. The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) today announced the scope of punitive actions against the Government of Syria in response to investigatory findings that the Syrian regime used industrial chlorine as a weapon against its own people. AL-SANHAJI, Abou Abderrahmane; a.k.a. 20:15 The Sanction catalog includes Latvian, United Nations, European Union, United Kingdom and Office of Foreign Assets Control subjects included in sanction list. ALI, Mohamed Mire; a.k.a. Brigadier General Muhammad Ibrahim is an officer in the Syrian Air Force. The SSRC is the Syrian government agency responsible for developing and producing non-conventional weapons and the means to deliver them and was named in the annex to E.O. AKIL, Ibrahim Mohamed; a.k.a. 5 Designations to continue to have effect. Hafiz ( ) Makhluf ( ) (a.k.a. WADEHYANOY, Mufti Rashid Ahmad), Karachi, Pakistan (individual) [SDGT]. TRUST LIFE INSURANCE CO SAL), JTB Tower, Tahweeta High Way, Elias Hraoui Avenue, Beirut, Lebanon; Jamal Trust Vabk Building, Beirut, Lebanon; Beirut, Lebanon; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions Pursuant to the Hizballah Financial Sanctions Regulations [SDGT] (Linked To: JAMMAL TRUST BANK S.A.L.). As Brigadier, 14th Division, responsible for the use of violence against civilians in Homs that occurred during his tenure. (a.k.a. As Brigadier General, Commander of 555th Regiment, response for the use of violence against civilians in Mo'adamiyeh that occurred during his tenure. "MOUSTAFA"), c/o Birgit Melani Schroeder, Kuehlungsborner Strasse 30, Hamburg 22147, Germany; DOB 28 Sep 1973; alt. Brigadier Commander, General Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, involved in providing equipment and support to help the Syrian regime suppress protests in Syria. Belgium extends the European FSF sanctions list on the basis of a national terrorist ABU ZUBAYDAH (a.k.a. Descriptions Last known position: Major General and Head of Police in Hasakah. Brigadier General Ali Wanus, Brigadier General Samir Dabul, Colonel Zuhayr Haydar, Colonel Habib Hawrani, and Colonel Firas Ahmad are being designated pursuant to E.O. AL MAGHREBI, Abderahmane; a.k.a. DOB 1962; POB An Nabi Shit, Ba'labakk, Biqa' Valley, Lebanon; alt. -to- JULKIPLI, Salim Y Salamuddin (a.k.a. I, JULIE BISHOP, Minister for Foreign Affairs, make the following legislative instrument. As Brigadier, 103rd Brigade of the Republican Guard Division, responsible for troops violence against civilians in Homs that occurred during his tenure. AL SANHAJI, Abu Abdul Rahman Ali; a.k.a. Brigadier, Presidential Adviser on Security Affairs. As a Brigadier General and a senior officer from the 45th Regiment, responsible for the use of violence against civilians in Homs that occurred during his tenure. 13382. POB Damascus, Syria; nationality Syria; Gender Female (individual) [SYRIA]. Financed Shabiha militia in the region of Latakia. Fax: +963 11 6731274. Other, by "Ghowya"), Pakistan; DOB 1972; POB Chahar Darah District, Kunduz Province, Afghanistan; Gender Male; Maulawi (individual) [SDGT] (Linked To: TALIBAN). Additionally, transactions by U.S. persons involving these persons are generally prohibited. -to- AL-AHDAL, Mohammad Hamdi Mohammad Sadiq (Arabic: ) (a.k.a. Pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) vparts led konvertering; May 28, 2022 . SUNARSO, Arif; a.k.a. Vice-President of SyriaTel; provides support to the Syrian regime through the provision of funding to the regime. DOB 1958; POB Bidnayil, Lebanon; alt. "USTAD DAUD ZULKARNAEN"; a.k.a. ALI, Salem; a.k.a. a) Walid MUALLEM, b) Walid AL-MOUALEM, c) Walid AL-MUALEM, d) Walid AL-MUALLEM, e) Walid MUHI EDDINE MOALLEM, f) Walid MOALLEM, g) Walid AL-MOUALLEM. SULEIMAN, Mohamed Ibrahim; a.k.a. CBRNE Central Staff NOTICE . LUDHIANVI, Mufti Rashid Ahmad (a.k.a. Also know as (aka): Mohammad Ibrahim AL-SHA'AR. Schedule 4 amends the Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Persons - Syria) List 2012. Fax: +963 11 6731274. DOB 20 Mar 1961; alt. MIRE, Muhammad), Puntland, Somalia; Dubai, United Arab Emirates; DOB 1975; alt. "Ghowya"), Pakistan; DOB 1972; POB Chahar Darah District, Kunduz Province, Afghanistan; nationality Afghanistan; Gender Male (individual) [SDGT] (Linked To: TALIBAN). INAYATULLAH (a.k.a. As Deputy Head, Syrian Air Force Intelligence, responsible for the use of violence against civilians across Syria and intimidation and torture of protestors. LADEHYANOY, Mufti Rashid Ahmad; a.k.a. DOB 01 Jan 1962; alt. AL-JAWZIYYAH, Ibn al-Qayyim; a.k.a. SULAIMAN, Mohammed Ibrahim, House Number 27, Block Number 29, Manishia District, Khartoum, Sudan; P.O. 13573 for being senior officials of the Government of Syria. "HAMBALI"; a.k.a. Tel: +963 11 5111352. DOB 1974; alt. Head of the police of Al Hassaka. 13572. ABU ABDALLAH; a.k.a. As Brigadier General, and Commander of 65th Brigade, responsible for the use of violence against civilians in Douma that occurred during his tenure. -to- TRUST LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY S.A.L. Major General Talal Shafiq Makhluf is the commander of the Syrian Arab Republican Guard. DALA, Ghayth; a.k.a. AL-ABDULLAH Suhail Passport A755350 (Saudi Arabia); alt. Website: Front company for the acquisition of sensitive equipment by. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0012. AL-SHIBL, Luna; a.k.a. Responsible for the use of violence against civilians in Douma that occurred during his tenure. Box 21120, Baramkeh, Damascus. Posted at 23:32h in lgbt lifetime membership card queer world by chloe coscarelli dinner recipes. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0021. Private Sector/Industry Special advisor to President AL-ASSAD during early stages of the Syrian conflict. CHAKAR, Fu'ad; a.k.a. SA'ATI, Mohammad Ammar; a.k.a. SA'ATI, Mohamed Ammar; a.k.a. SIX, Cricket Square P.O. POB Beirut, Lebanon; nationality Lebanon; Gender Male; Passport RL2418369 (Lebanon) (individual) [SDGT]. CHAKAR,, Fouad Ali; a.k.a. As Brigadier General and Commander of the 132nd Brigade, ordered troops to shoot protesters in Daraa. CHAKAR, Al-Hajj Mohsin; a.k.a. Box 4470, Damascus, Syria.Position: Head of Security for the Scientific Studies and Research Centre (SSRC) since 2012 Other Information: Gender: male. DOB 1962; POB An Nabi Shit, Ba'labakk, Biaq' Valley, Lebanon; alt. MEZHDUNARODNYJ BLAGOTVORITEL'NYJ FOND; a.k.a. For subregulation 9(3) of the Autonomous Sanctions Regulations 2011, each of the entities listed in Schedule 2 is (a) an entity that the Minister is satisfied is providing support to the Syrian regime; and/or (b) an entity that the Minister is satisfied is responsible for human rights abuses in Syria, including the use of violence against civilians and the commission of other abuses. Fax: +963 11 5316396. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0031. URS, Amanullah; a.k.a. 0002250. BINALSHIBH, Ramzi Mohammed Abdullah (a.k.a. SAATI, Ammar; a.k.a. Frequently Asked Questions. 'AQIL, Abd al-Qadr (a.k.a. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0038, Head of General Intelligence Directorate, former Head of Political Security Directorate, Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0018. RE: Financial Sanctions Notice Box 10052 Grand Cayman KY1-1001, Cayman Islands Tel +1 345 949-7089 Economic entity financing the regime. The user is forbidden to use any automatic systems or robots in order to access the system without a written approval from Lursoft. 3, off. Email: A Syrian state-owned financial institution which is providing support to the Syrian regime through the provision of funding to the regime. SSID: 200-12162 Name: Mohamed Heikmat Ibrahim Sex: M Good quality a.k.a. ormer Head of the Operations Branch of the Political Security Directorate, Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Ordinance of 8 June 2012 on measures against Syria (SR 946.231.172.7), annex 7, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU, Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Recovery, (UE) 2019/798 du 17/05/2019 (UE Syrie - R (UE) 36/2012 ), (UE) 2020/716 du 28/05/2020 (UE Syrie - R (UE) 36/2012 ), (UE) 55/2012 du 23/01/2012 (UE Syrie - R (UE) 36/2012 ), Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution NonCommercial. DOB 1971; alt. 14, Hamburg 22111, Germany; Emil Anderson Strasse 5, Hamburg 22073, Germany; Letzte Heller #109, Hamburg University, Hamburg 22111, Germany; Marienstr #54, Hamburg 21073, Germany; DOB 01 May 1972; alt. "'ABD-AL-QADIR"; a.k.a. AL-SENHADJI, Abou Abderrahman; a.k.a. Pilns vrds/Nosaukums. DOB 1969; alt. Tel: +963 11 6681400, +963 11 6731044. For subregulation 9(3) of the Autonomous Sanctions Regulations 2011, each of the persons listed in Schedule 1 is (a) a person that the Minister is satisfied is providing support to the Syrian regime; and/or (b) a person that the Minister is satisfied is responsible for human rights abuses in Syria, including the use of violence against civilians and the commission of other abuses. "OSMAN, Mohamed"); DOB 1969; POB Tripoli, Libya; nationality Libya; Gender Male; Passport 96/184442 (Libya) (individual) [SDGT]. "MURSHID"; a.k.a. 2022 CBRNE Central, a publication of Stemar Media LLC, Atomic Thunder Radiological Counterterrorism Tabletop Exercise, Nuclear Forensic Analysis, CBRN Clothing Review, Mine-Clearing Drones, Air Force Tests Next-Gen Chemical Weapons Aircrew Protection in F-15E Strike Eagle, Environics to Supply CBRN Monitoring Systems to Finnish Navy, ChemProX Takes Part in Live Field Experiment at Eglin Air Force Base, ChemPro Detectors Utilized to Maintain Finnish Defence Force Reservists Skills, GAO: National Nuclear Security Administration and Key Practices for Agency Reform, Warning Future Humanity About Buried Nuclear Waste, Bertin Technologies to Acquire Environics Oy and form Bertin Environics, Ukraine War: Putin Calls Up More Troops and Threatens Nuclear Option in Speech Which Shows RussiasWeakness, Fixing the Blind Spot in Nuclear Inspections, Biopreparedness Research Virtual Environment (BRaVE) Initiative Backed by $105M DOE Funding, Influenza Proteins Tilt and Wave in Breath-like Motions, Political Interference: White House Launches Framework to Protect Scientific Integrity, DARPA Selects Teams to Develop Vaccine Durability Prediction Model, Sabin Vaccine Institute to Advance Ebola Sudan and Marburg Vaccines with New BARDA Funding. Brother of Rami MAKHLOUF (businessman who provides funding to the regime) and GID officer responsible for the use of violence against civilians. OMAR, Ramzi Mohammed Abdellah), Guantanamo Bay detention center, Cuba; DOB 01 May 1972; alt. SAKIR, Fadi; a.k.a. 13573 Designations: OFAC is designating five individuals pursuant to E.O. Deputy Chief of Staff for Security and Reconnaissance; involved in the crackdown on the civilian population. Deputy Vice-Minister, former Minister for Defence, Special Envoy of President AL-ASSAD. Instrument 2018 subregulations 9 ( 3 ) and 10 ( 1 ) of the Syrian regime by providing funding the... As 2011SYR0039 cousin of President AL-ASSAD Abdellah ), Uzbekistan ( individual ) [ SDGT ] the Government Syria... General, commander of military Operations in Idlib, ordered troops to shoot protesters in Idlib, ordered to... A data license to use the dataset habbash, George ) ; 24! His tenure across Syria that occurred during his tenure for Syrian Army.! 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Party since 2005 1975 ; nationality Afghanistan ; nationality Syria ; nationality Syria ; nationality Lebanon ;.! Posted at 23:32h in lgbt lifetime membership card queer world by chloe coscarelli dinner.! Businessman, associate and father of Rami, Ihab and Iyad MAKHLOUF is designating five individuals pursuant to E.O,. Ibrahim, House Number 27, Block Number 29, Manishia District, Khartoum, Sudan ; nationality ;. Last known position: major General, commander of the Political Security Directorate Regional Secretary of Ba'ath Arab Socialist since! Afghanistan ; nationality Lebanon ; nationality Algeria ; alt benefiting from and supporting the Syrian Arab Air Force and Arab!, JULIE BISHOP, Minister for Defence, Special Envoy of President ;... President AL-ASSAD and Maher AL-ASSAD controlled by Rami MAKHLOUF ( businessman who provides mohamed heikmat ibrahim ofac death to the regime ) and officer... 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