why does naofumi marry melty

As Ark planned, Naofumi ends up becoming a god by the end of his journey and can fight Medea on equal ground. When his world was under attack for a second time, Ethnobalt came to Naofumi for help. He also begrudges the latter, along with the other Heroes, for believing Malty's false accusations and their subsequent treatment towards him afterwards. Kanato Sakamaki is one of the Four Legendary Heroes. "I don't think I want that title, ha" I sighed. This bond eventually developed into a deep and true friendship after they finally defeated Kyo, where they're willing to trust each other in battle. Myne pretending to help Naofumi was a set up to convict him of arguably the worst crime in Melromarc: rape against a woman in a matrilineal society. The Rising of the Shield Hero Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. She was one of the experts which Queen Mirellia found to help teach the heroes how to properly fight. But it was merely an act to hide her jealous contempt of that which barred her from proper successorship. Melty, on the other hand, cares for her sister's well being (even after Malty attempted to murder her) despite knowing full well her rotten character, but also understands that Malty needs to be punished and held accountable for her crimes. Mr. Iwatani's originally kind personality snapped violently, he became distrustful of anyone who is not a slave, and for a very long time . Naofumi ultimately protects Melty from her sister, the Cult, and the other Heroes (who think she's been brainwashed by him when, ironically, they are the ones who've been brainwashed by praise, propaganda, Malty, the Cult of Three Heroes, and Aultcray's direct lies). Even with all of the above, Naofumi considers Shadow a very useful asset due to his information gathering abilities, and is very grateful for all the help he has given him and the rest of his teammates. At the banquet held in honor to Naofumi and the other three Heroes. Answer: There is also the webnovel, which follow a different route compared to the light novel and the manga, that is the one I will talk about. Even still, Itsuki still held Naofumi in some contempt on the grounds that he was stealing credit for a couple guild missions he underwent. It'll cost you $30.50 to $90.00, and you'll have to use it within 60 days. Naofumi Iwatani. Fitoria, like the Filolial Queen, is capable of transforming into a massive bird. Who is Naofumi love interest? 1 MOST USEFUL HERO. After Ren's persuasion, Itsuki agrees to investigate the abduction case against Naofumi. Glass later notes her intention was to destroy Melromarc's world by killing off its heroes in order to save her own world, something Naofumi notes he . So, get ready for the roller coaster; it will be long, so there is a TL;DR paragraph at the end if you prefer so. It is Naofumi's main dream to be able to one day capture Witch and reciprocate all of the evil which has been done to him. Even though her spiteful behavior plays a major part in . Raphtalia fell in love with Naofumi almost instantly, despite being afraid of him when he first bought her as a slave. Whilst in the manga & novels, Malty only ever attempted to take advantage of the havoc begotten from the Pope's machinations for her own benefit. Since then, Malty continues to try to hurt and/or undermine Naofumi; still pining to Motoyasu in outrage about how her mother gave the Devil of the Shield his own plot of land and a nobility title. Like the other three Legendary Heroes, Ren was led to believe Naofumi was guilty of the charges of "raping" Malty. Malty is ultimately the cause of Naofumi's dark and cynical personality due to the fact that she betrayed him and falsely framed him for the attempt of raping her for no other visible reason. When they finally face each other, Raphtalia ends up revealing their respective true identities. As a fan of Filo's species, she longed to meet the Filolial Queen; a dream that came true through Filo's existence. As well as orchestrating another, somewhat unlawful, duel between the two in a populated township on the grounds of another slave he'd procured (which, more or less, wasn't erroneous). Despite coming off as friendly and charitable when they initially met, Naofumi could see straightaway just how much of a condescendingly self-righteous individual Pope Balmus was behind his pretense of altruistic sanctimony. This all changed after Takt's ambush where his wife Queen Mirellia was killed. He purchased the best slave he could afford, which was a sickly demi-human girl named Raphtalia. The two got along when they first met. This great ending scene. During negotiations after Whore's second attempt at screwing over those whom she felt had wronged her, Mirellia arranged Malty to be married off to King Faubrey which is seen in noble courts as a horrible form of capital punishment; practically a death sentence for problematic high society. in the same way Why did the king hate the shield hero? She comes with three face plates including a standard expression, an angry expression perfect for combat scenes and an emotional expression from when her and . Naofumi likened Mr. Rabier to be a rather revolting slob of a noble with inflated self-worth. Motoyasu would continually believe Malty's words and cause Naofumi and his party trouble. Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law. Naofumi is also surprised at how quickly Ruft has matured, and how skilled he has become in both the combat and diplomatic arenas. Itsuki offering his two cents about depriving the Hero of the Shield his stipend for Wave Disaster rebuttal on a technicality in regard to which on Trash's part. She met Naofumi accidentally while trying to get information on Raphtalia and introduces herself as Zodia, a simple civilian. 2 yr. ago. Whore. Working with their sect to further discredit Naofumi by murdering her younger sister, second princess Melty because their mother; Queen Mirella, chose the latter to take the throne over her firstborn. Ironically, the main event which help strengthen the bond between Naofumi and Fohl was Atla's death and sacrifice to save Naofumi. Malty eventually decided that if Melty was going to stand between her and her throne, she was going to murder her. Who is the weakest hero in Shield hero? Although she is a slave to him, the only times he would ever activate the Slave Crest to force her compliance was when she was too frightened to fight on her own. Even if she causes any trouble, she pins it on someone else and he will punish the victim without a seconds thoughts. As seen from the King's reaction during their trial, Aultcray himself genuinely believes all of Malty's lies of whatever she tells him to justify her vile actions. Naofumi's relationship with Itsuki is very strained, to put it politely. In this manner, Does Naofumi kiss Raphtalia? He will eventually get his revenge on the princess and king. Such as she giving other female party members a hard time and secretly kicking them out (even selling the one named Rino as a slave to a noble), her exceptionally wasteful spending of funds (both the parties & the national treasury) or pushing inexorable taxations on grief stricken rurales and her attempts to kill Melty, something which Ren and Itsuki noticed but he did not (or even deliberately neglected). After his rampage, Ren finally admits it was his fault that his party died and starts to atone for his sins as he begins training with Eclair while living in Naofumi's village. Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law. But Kizuna completely takes his side and lectures her friends on what they had done, diffusing that threat. Naofumi teased her about her new responsibilities, which causes her in a fit of rage to promote Naofumi to archduke to make him share some new responsibilities, which is a position only second to the queen. Does naofumi kiss Raphtalia? Finding the portly looking man to be little more than a rather disgusting individual with a fanaticism issue. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Naofumi has plainly stated he isn't interested in that BS. Naofumi deeply respected her and her sacrifice needed to defeat her own body. She was mentioned to be of nobility. Naofumi not knowing her name called her "Woman 2." He was a doting parent and spoiled her too much. While he knew he was being used by her, he also knew that she needed him, so he was willing to put up with it. The Strongest Characters in The Rising of the Shield Hero, Ranked. Together, they were able to plan an ambush that killed Mirellia and liberate Malty from her slave crest for good. Does Naofumi marry melty? As Ren explains how his party was murdered during the Spirit Tortoise Incident, he calls them weak and blames his now deceased party members for their deaths and not himself, causing Naofumi to call him out for this. Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law. When Naofumi enters Glass's world and rescues Glass's most important friend, Kizuna Kazayama, Glass starts showing her softer side, which he didn't really expect and sees as "out of character" to him. How did Naofumi become a god? A blowhard with character akin to sanding paper, not to mention the personality of most higher caste found within Melromarc. When Naofumi stands up to openly mock Aultcray, Melty approaches him to demand an apology and start a serious discussion with her father, as she was afraid of the consequences of the sourness, resulting in her father landing the wrath of her mother. Why does Glass kill Naofumi? . They share many other personality traits and seem to develop a close friendship. Naofumi bought the siblings because of the potential he saw in their bloodline and saw her as a means to ensure her brother's loyalty. While it hasnt happened yet, Naofumi and Raphtalia have openly discussed marriage in the light novels. In the manga however she gets into a heated argument with Mald of Itsuki's party after the former cites her as a criminal. Malty is ultimately the cause of Naofumi's darkened and cynical personality due to the fact that she betrayed him, stole from him and falsely accused him for the attempt of raping her for no visible reason. An Orca demi-human who was Raphtalia's family guardian before the Waves destroyed Raphtalia's village. Ren believes her accusation of Naofumi's attempt to rape her and berates Naofumi without hearing his side of the story. Pope Balmus held Malty and the entire royal family in contempt as a blight on the nation, citing how they're abuse of their station was an insult to the pride of the clergy standing as gods apostles on earth. Itsuki Kawasumi. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Naofumi eventually stripped her of her responsibilities and gave them to Melty instead. Does Naofumi marry melty? Itsuki Kawasumi However, after some time, he ended up becoming just like others, selfish to the core! Dunno, all I know is that I read someone saying that Naofumi ended marrying Raphtalia, Sadeena and Melty. Epicstream is supported by its audience. Another case is when Melty lied to Filo into playing hide and seek so she can give herself up to a corrupted noble who was seeking Naofumi and his friends. Princess Malty pulled off one of the nastiest betrayals in the world of anime. Naofumi considers Ethnobalt to be an incredible intellectual resource. As Naofumi didn't seem to fit any of the bad rumors circulating around the Shield Hero, L'Arc assumed Naofumi to be one of those who pretends to be the Shield Hero. Naofumi constantly expresses a father-daughter relationship with her, butRaphtalia very much begs to differ. Does naofumi marry melty? When Sadeena returns to the rebuilt village with Naofumi and his allies, Naofumi expresses both his shock and displeasure on how Sadeena ostensibly wants to make him her life companion because of how well he can hold his liquor better than her. In his grief, Fohl promised to not blame Naofumi for her death which he continued to live up to. However, due to her compassion, Naofumi was able to unlock the shield of compassion which suppressed his shield of wrath and allowed him to feel proper emotion again. Naofumi sees himself more as Filo's owner like how he views Raphtalia as his own daughter, thus not seeing Filo as a love interest. However, as Fohl slowly matured, he began to cooperate with Naofumi and started seeing him in a better light. After Naofumi's name was cleared, the two rarely interact, but she expressed displeasure towards him, such as when he went on a rampage with his weapon's cursed form. Despite his questionable motives for obtaining her, Naofumi becomes a naturally benevolent master and treats Raphtalia very well after acquiring her. This reflects a relationship similar to a parent and daughter. After betraying Naofumi, taking his stuff, and framing him for an attempt of raping her, she gives Hero of the Spear the stolen chain mail and convinces him of her being the victim. This motivated Trash to wake up from his stupor and regain his title of the Wisest King of Wisdom and the Staff Hero. However, this was changed for the light novel and we dont expect them to marry in the anime. Naofumi's first slave, a Tanuki demi-human child, that he purchased from Beloukas. Naofumi finds his new personality troubling, but easier to cooperate or manipulate since he has sworn his loyalty to him. Naofumi's trust of Melty is completely based on Filo's good grasp of character who has complete trust in her. L'Arc also tends to envy Naofumi due to Therese's attention to him due to how skilled Naofumi is at creating accessories, this has led L'Arc to practice his skills in creating accessories a lot, which is why which all her classmates began to say that her face became one similar to Naofumi's. These troubling events lead to Naofumi . As far as the light novel goes, the ship is definitely Naofumi and Raphtalia, even if other characters signal affections towards the main character. How much to get married in pa? He hates the Shield Hero because he fought a war with Siltvelt, a country that worships him.Because of such, he unjustly villainizes Naofumi, simply because he bares the role, unwillingly; and helps Malty with her lies, even . While Naofumi considers the slave merchant to be a useful person due to his role in providing him with various slaves for his growing army, he does not indicate any real trust for the man. When afterthe Shield Hero's name was cleared, the queen had her & Aultcray completely stripped of their royal status. She took a moment to catch . She also taught him about the hero-exclusive magic: Liberation-class. When they meet again by having another similar conversation, Sadeena expresses her respect towards Naofumi's strength and surprise on how well he holds his liquor and even eating a lukor fruit. Once Naofumi's name is cleared, he begins to show more of his decent side towards him but refuses to believe Naofumi when he's told that Malty is the one who set him up. He refuses to believe all the rumors of Naofumi's "evil deeds" and claims that there must be a reason for his doings. Melty also sees the flaws of Eclair's approach in rebuilding the Saeatto territory but prefers to refrain herself from commenting, as she could imagine that this could spark unnecessary bad blood between them. The two are sisters wherein Melty is Malty's younger sibling. Glass later notes her intention was to destroy Melromarc's world by killing off its heroes in order to save her own world, . Melty expressed her desire into wanting to befriend Filo and vice versa. Rapunzel is a very beautiful 18-year old (in the film) young woman with fair skin, rosy cheeks, large green eyes, brown eyelashes, brown eyebrows and light freckles around her nose.. Was Rapunzel pregnant? He began to see how Atla had more potential in combat than her brother and reconsidered her usefulness that he sparred with her along with Raphtalia. Their relationship improves to the point that he allows Melty to play with Filo again when he originally warned Filo not to befriend her and would entrust Filo to Melty when he returned to his world. The two began to grow closer after Naofumi saved the lives of Shadow and the Raph species that usually accompany him, from an incurable wound caused by the soldiers of Piensa, when Naofumi's village was transported to the time of the shield hero Mamoru. I will ensure that Melty punishes you if you become a King and behave foolishly like Aultcray." I felt chills staring into her fiery eyes. Shadow tends to exasperate Naofumi mainly because of the teasing attitude she often takes towards him and her belief that if Naofumi takes someone to level up it is because she wants to make him her lover. Naofumi first meets Kizuna when he falls into Kyo's trap while traveling to Glass' world and is dropped into an inescapable prison instead. Although Itsuki does stand for Naofumi during the rigged duel and his rebuked funds, he only does so to satisfy his own ego and to indirectly annoy Motoyasu. After the Spirit Tortoise incident, Malty approached Ren and took advantage of his damaged emotional state to manipulate him and use him to escape from Naofumi arresting her. Melty and Eclair seem to have compatible personalities. Bitch going so far as to direct Ren and Itsuki; under the effects of their own curse series holy weapons, into attacking the Shield Demon and manipulating a great many of the kingdoms subjects into assailing him & his during a staged populist uprising. And king Hero, Ranked with a fanaticism issue since he has sworn his loyalty to him Ren was to. Regain his title of the keyboard shortcuts Malty eventually decided that if Melty going! Raphtalia fell in love with Naofumi and Raphtalia have openly discussed marriage in world. Properly fight motoyasu would continually believe Malty 's words and cause Naofumi and his party trouble,. Personality of most higher caste found within Melromarc began to cooperate or manipulate since he has sworn his to... 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